programming languages

  • plankalkul

    Konrad Zuse designed the language. It was the first high level programming language designed for a computer.
  • Math-matic

    It was made by Charles Katz. It was made to be an arithmetic system.
  • Lisp

    John McCarthy created the language. It was made for easy use manipulation of data strings. It is an acronym for list processing
  • Fortran

    FORTRAN was the worlds first high level programming language. It was made by a team led by John Backus. Fortran stands for Formula Translation/Translator
  • Cobol language

    it is an acronym for common business oriented language. Grace Murray Hopper developed the language. It is designed for business purposes.
  • RPG

    It is a high level programming application made for businesses. It provides a modern programming environment. it was created by Jon Paris. It stands for report program generator
  • Basic programming language

    It is an acronym for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz created it. It was made for ease of use.
  • LOGO

    It is an educational programming language. It as made by Wally Feurzeig.
  • B language

    It is made by Ken Thompson with Dennis Ritchie. Made for system programming. its name is derived from Bon.

    Niklaus Wirth designed the language. It was made to encourage good programming practice.
  • SQL

    SQL stands for structured query language. It is used in database management systems. Donald D. Chamberlin, and Raymond F. Boyce were the creators
  • ML

    It stands for Standard meta language. It is made to compile time checking and type inference. It was made by Robin Milner.
  • C programming language

    It is used when resources are scarce. It is made by Dennis Ritchie. The C stands for approximately because it is derived from a Latin word
  • ada language created

    ada programs are large, long lived applications (and embedded systems in particular) where reliability and efficiency are essential. It was designed by a team led by Dr. Jean Ichbiah at CII-Honeywell-Bull in France. Its name is not an acronym.
  • C++ programming language

    Bjarne Stroustrup created the language. The language was created as an extension of the C programming language.
  • python

    the language is made to allow clear programs on a small and large scale. it was made by Guido Van Rossom. It was made as the successor of the ABC programming language.
  • visual basic

    The program was created by Alan Cooper. It was made to connect the programming world to the grammatical world.
  • PHP

    It was created by Ramsus Ledorf. It was made for server side web designing. It stands for personal home page.
  • Javascript

    Brendan Eich created javascript. it was created to be a scripting language.
  • Delphi

    Delphi is a native code compiler used for program objectives. its creator was Borland. It was made to rapidly adapt programs
  • Java

    It is meant to look and feel like C++ but simpler to use. It was created by James Gosling.