
  • Woodrow Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson
    President from 1913-1921
    *Wilson led America into war in order to "make the world safe for democracy."
    *President Wilson appears before Congress to speak about revising tariffs. April 08, 1913
    *President Wilson extends official recognition to the new Republic of China. May 02, 1913
    *The Seventeenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is enacted, providing for the direct popular election of U.S. senators. May 13th. 1913
  • Warren G. Harding

    Warren G. Harding
    *The Thompson-Urrutia Treaty with Colombia is ratified. The treaty grants Colombia $25 million as compensation for the loss of Panama April 20, 1921
    *Harding signs the Emergency Quota Act into law, limiting the number of immigrants.
    *Harding signs the Budget and Accounting Act in order to better organize the federal government
    *Harding appoints former President William Howard Taft as chief justice of the Supreme Court.
  • Calvin Coolidge

    Calvin Coolidge
    *At a 2:30 a.m. ceremony in Plymouth, Vermont, Calvin Coolidge is sworn in by his father as the thirtieth President of the United States.
    *In his first State of the Union address, Coolidge expresses his support for prohibition and U.S. involvement in the World Court.
    *Congress passes a new immigration law with even more restrictive quotas
    *The Dawes Plan is signed by the United States, France, Great Britain, Italy, and Belgium
  • Herbert Hoover

    Herbert Hoover
    *Hoover appoints Henry L. Stimson Secretary of State.
    *The construction contract for the Empire State Building is awarded.
    *The London Naval Treaty is signed by the United States, Britain, and Japan. France and Italy refuse to sign major provisions of the treaty, which remains in effect until 1937. April 22, 1930
    *Construction of the Hoover Dam begins in Las Vegas, Nevada; the dam will be completed in 1936.
  • Franklin Roosevelt

    Franklin Roosevelt
    *Roosevelt declares a four-day “bank holiday” in order to stop the panic “run” on the nation's banks.
    *FDR, by presidential proclamation, takes the United States off the gold standard.
    *Congress passes the Federal Securities Act, requiring all issues of stocks and bonds to be registered and approved by the federal government.
    *FDR establishes the National Labor Board, with Senator Robert Wagner of New York as its head. The NLB is created to enforce the right of organized labor to bargain colle