Presidential March Madness

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    George Washington

    From Westmoreland Country, Virginia. Attended local school. Commanding general of the Continental Army. I don't know. Martha Washington, Mary Ball Washington, Augustine Washington, Lawrence Washington. Before presidency Washington was trained as a land surveyor.
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    John Adams

    From Massachusetts Bay Colony. A Harvard educated lawyer. Served in France and Holland. Vice President under George Washington. John Quincy Adams, Abigail Adams, Charles Adams, Thomas Boylston Adams.
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    Thomas Jefferson

    From Albemarle county Virginia. Studied at the college of William and Mary, proceeded to read law. Service in Virginia Militia as a colonel. Vice president, Secretary of State, Ambassador to France. Martha Jefferson, Madison Hemings, Hariet Hemings. Established the decimal system as the nation's basis of measurement.
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    James Madison

    From Orange County, Virginia. Attended Princeton, and majored history and government. Colonel and commander of the Orange County Regiment. Served as Secretary of State. Dolley Madison, Ambrose Madison, Frances Taylor Madison. Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.
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    James Monroe

    Westmoreland County, Virginia. Entered College of William and Mary in Williamsburg. Third Virginia Infantry. Secretary of State. Elizabeth Monroe, Spence Monroe, Joseph Jones Monroe. James Monroe served as a member of the Congress of the Confederation.
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    John Quincy Adams

    Braintree Massachusetts, Graduated from Harvard, became a lawyer. Became Minister of Russia. Became Secretary to his father. John Adams, Abigail Adams, and Charles Adams.
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    Andrew Jackson

    From Backwoods settlement in the Carolina's. He read law for about 2 years and became a lawyer. Became a senate, a war hero of 1812. Joined the Old Hickory. Rachel Jackson, Lyncoya Jackson.
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    Martin Van Buren

    From Kinderhook, New York. Attended Village Schools. Tenth secretary of state. Vice President. Hannah Van Buren, John Van Buren. An American Lawyer.
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    William Henry Harrison

    From Berkeley. Studied Classics and History at Hampden-Sydney College. Commander of Northwest Army (War of 1812) Was governor. Benjamin Harrison, John Scott Harrison, and Ana Harrison.