
Presidential History

By Pelka_E
  • Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson
    Was born on March 15, 1767. He was an orphan by the time he was 14, his father died shortly after he was born, his mother died of cholera while working as a nurse for wounded soldiers, his older brother Hugh died of a heat stroke, and his other brother Robert died of smallpox.
  • As a child

    As a child
    Jackson was the first president not from the upper or middle-class.
    He was from a poor family and grew up resenting the wealthy
  • Lawyer

    When Jackson was 17 he decided he wanted to become a lawyer. He moved to North Carolina where he studied law. After three years Jackson received his license to practice law.
  • Marriage to Rachel Jackson

    Marriage to Rachel Jackson
    Andrew Jackson married Rachel Jackson on January 18, 1794. He once killed a man, Charles Dickinson, for insulting his wife. Jackson had a very fiery temper.
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    Jackson was elected the General of the Tennessee Militia in 1802. In 1812 he led his troops through enemy territory, winning battles along the way. This helped greatly with the United States victory of the war.
  • "Old Hickory"

    "Old Hickory"
    Jackson’s toughness and determination reminded his troops of a firmly rooted Hickory tree, and earned him the nickname “Old Hickory.”
  • Election

    The presidential election of 1828 was Adams v.s Jackson. (Jackson had lost to Adams in the previous election.) Jackson won with 56% of popular vote.
  • Expansion

    Andrew Jackson took no action after Georgia claimed millions of acres of land that had been guaranteed to the Cherokee Indians under federal law, and he declined to enforce a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that Georgia had no authority over Native American tribal lands. The Cherokee Indians signed a treaty giving up their land in exchange for territory west of Arkansas
  • Quote

    "Our government is founded upon the intelligence of the people. I for one do not despair of the republic. I have great confidence in the virtue of the great majority of the people, and I cannot fear the result."
  • Death

    Jackson died at the age of 78. From tuberculosis and lead poisoning from a bullet that had been inside of his body for years...