Political Party Timeline

By jack.ie
  • Democratic Party

    ~Known as the oldest political party in the United States
    ~Was created by the followers of Jefferson and adopted the name Jeffersonian Republicans
    ~Advocated for a decentralized government with limited power
    ~Has changed because Democrats used to support slavery and opposed civil rights reforms
    ~Supports organized labor, civil rights for minorities, and progressive reform
    ~Favor greater governement intervention in the economy
    ~Oppose government intervention in citizen affairs
  • Whig Party

    ~Formed by the National Republican Party
    ~Lead by John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay
    ~Supported by internal improvements and moral reforms
    ~Desired westward expansion with agreements to economic growth and modernization
    ~Based in New England and New York
    ~Made up of middle-class people
    ~Disliked Martin Van Buren
  • Free-Soil Party

    ~A minor but influential party
    ~In the pre-Civil War period that opposed the extension of slavery
    ~Their slogan was “Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Labor, Free Men”
    ~Attracted farmers, debtors, village merchants, and mill workers
    ~Called for the prohibition of slavery in newly land acquired from Mexico
    ~After their party disbanded, they joined the Republican party because of their similar views on slavery
  • Republican Party

    ~Formed by Northern abolitionists after the collapse of the Whig party
    ~Took a strong stance against slavery and the expansion of slavery into new U.S. territories
    ~Became the dominant opposition of the Democrats
    ~Aligned itself with big businesses
    ~Strong believers in free market
    ~In the 1980's they began to align themselves with church and cultural issues, such as opposing abortion and gay marriage
  • Communist Party USA

    ~One of the country’s most leftist party
    ~reached its peak of memberships during WWII and rallied in favor of a Soviet-American effort against Germany
    ~Dedicated to organizing unskilled immigrants into the Trade Union
    ~Became became leaders in liberal, cultural, and student organizations
  • Libertarian Party

    ~Supports the rights of individuals to exercise authority over their own lives
    ~Sets against traditional services and regulatory powers of federal state and local government
    ~Was the 3rd largest political party in the U.S.
    ~In 2000 its candidate combined to win 1.7 million votes
    ~Believes that a free market is necessary
    ~Opposes all the forms of censorship, believes in the right to bear arms, and defends the choice of abortion
    ~Advocates the repeal of laws against gambling and drug use
  • Constitution Party

    ~Established by Howard Phillips
    ~Howard left the republican party after finding the party too conservative
    ~Believe in limiting the federal government to its constitutional boundaries
    ~Principles revolve around the declaration of independence, the bill of rights, and the bible
  • Natural Law Party

    ~Believe in transcendental meditation
    ~Endorse the practice of meditation to rehabilitate convicted criminals
    ~Do not believe in medicine to manage disease, instead believe in stress management to avoid disease
    ~Show importance of social equality for all people and talk about world peace
    ~Alternitve methods of energy production, such as renewable energy to preserve the earth
  • Reform Party

    ~A centrist, solution-based party
    ~Not driven by political ideology
    ~Impliments the best policies for the majority of all Americans
    ~Driven by concepts of Ross Perot of reducing national debt , balancing the budget, and improving fair trade deals to protect workers
    ~Identify problems without using ideology to fix what is wrong
    ~Do not follow a big government or an anti-government agenda
    ~Not considered totally liberal or totally conservative
    ~Review all proposals and then propose an idea
  • Green Party

    ~Grassroot activist
    ~advocate for social justice and nonviolent resisters
    ~Believe in peace by cutting the military budget
    ~Advocate for cutting fossil fuels
    ~Seen as left-wing on the political spectrum
    ~Party was formed as a way to publicly support the control of nuclear energy and water pollution
    ~One of the fastest growing political party, not just in the United States, but throughout the world
  • Cited Sources

    “Political Party Timeline: 1836-1864.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/lincolns-timeline/. Accessed 15 Nov. 2023.