Political Party

  • Federalists

    Party of the rich and well-born. Favored the federal system.
  • Anti-Federalists

    Led by Thomas Jefferson. Believed in a strict constructionist view of the Constitution.
  • Period: to

    Political Party

  • Democratic-Republicans

    Unopposed in government until the 1820s. They were what used to be known as the Anti-Federalists.
  • Jacksonians

    Andrew Jackson's Democratic Party that includes small farmers, debtors, frontier pioneers, and slaveholders.
  • Republicans

    The civil war crippled the Democrats, so the Republicans were left to run the country for the next 75 years.
  • Roosevelt Democrats

    Franklin Roosevelt was elected president. The party focused on social welfare and economic programs.
  • Modern Democrats

    Liberal, favor minimum wage, progressive taxation, decrease military spending, support for abortion, and social responsibility
  • Modern Republicans

    Advocate the theory of supply side economics