Physicla activities

By 20gs
  • Baby, 0-1

    Baby, 0-1
    babies cannot walk and can only crawl
  • Toddler 1-3

    Toddler  1-3
    toddlers can walk and crawl
  • Child 3-8

    Child 3-8
    children can start to play team sports that are easy like tennis or soccer
  • Adolescent 8-16

    Adolescent 8-16
    adolescent start to playsports that are rough and need a lot of strength like fostal or gymnastics
  • young adults 18-25

    young adults 18-25
    young adults start to drop sports and go to the gym to workout
  • Adult 25-55

    Adult 25-55
    adults like to walk with their family and dog at the dog park
  • Mature adult 55-70

    Mature adult 55-70
    mature adults stretch with a personal trainor and walk around
  • Old age 70-100

    Old age 70-100
    old aged people like to stretch and do pilates or yoga