Photosgraphy Blog

By 15ney
  • First Photograph

    First Photograph
    Joseph Niepce created the first photograph image using an early device for projecting real life images. The problem with this image was that it required eight hours of light exposure and later faded.
  • Permanent Photo Method

    Permanent Photo Method
    Louis Daguerre introduces a new way of photography and it is called the daguerreotype process, this process that Louis made produces highly detailed permanent photographs on silver-plated sheets of copper. At first the daguerreotype process required several minutes of exposure in the camera, but later improvements reduce the exposure time to a few seconds.
  • First Coloured Photograph

    First Coloured Photograph
    Edmond Becquerel successfully takes the first full colored photograph, but this came with a camera with an exposure lasting hours or days is required to get the colours. The colours are so light sensitive that they faded right before the viewer's eyes while being examined.
  • The First Durable Colour Photograph

    The First Durable Colour Photograph
    James Clerk Maxwell created the first image of a multicoloured ribbon. It uses three different black and white photographs taken and projected through red, green and blue colour filters.
  • First High Speed Photography

    First High Speed Photography
    Eadweard Muybridge put a row of cameras with trip-wires to make a high-speed photograph of a galloping horse in a field. Each picture is taken in less than the two thousandth of a second, and they are taken in sufficiently rapid sequence.
  • First "Easy To Use Camera"

    First "Easy To Use Camera"
    The box camera is was invented in 1888 and it is called the first easy to use camera, This camera was introduced to the world with its slogan, "You press the button, we do the rest."
  • The First Roll Film

    The First Roll Film
    The first ever available transparent roll film is introduced by the Kodak group. Peter Houston was the first inventor if the roll film. It was mostly used for a 120 format roll film for still pictures because it was the most simple project to be used for photography.
  • Pocketable Camera

    Pocketable Camera
    The group Kodak which was founded by George Eastman in 1888 made the first pocketable camera. It was called Folding Pocket Kodak. The camera was meant for first time photographers who weren't bother when technical details popped up but just wanted to have a reliable camera to take photos with.
  • First Printing Camera

    First Printing Camera
    Edwin Land was an American scientist and inventor. He found a new invention to a camera. Edwin invented the Polaroid camera. The Polaroid camera was able take a picture and print it in about one minute.
  • First Digital Scanned Photograph

    First Digital Scanned Photograph
    Russell A. Kirsch who was born in 1929 is an American former engineer at the National Bureau of Standards. Russell had been trying to make a digital scanner and in 1957 Russell and his group finally made it. Russell was the first person to use it scanning his son .