10 Obsolete Products Timeline

By 711483
  • 290 BCE


    The sundial was a timekeeping device, that was used to record the time. It used the shadow of an object to determine the time of day. Today we are lucky not to have to work so hard or to rely on the sun to tell us the time. All I have to do is look at my phone, wrist watch or computer to know the time.
  • Steam Locomotive

    Back in the day when there was no electric trains there were steam locomotives. This was the only way to travel on a train. Due to the impact of the steam to the environment and the amount of work needed to operate the locomotive technology a friendly way to travel.
  • Film

    Film was created in 1839 by Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre. The purpose of film was to capture movement and make it into a movie, show or picture. As technology improved the time that it took to produce an image on film and the preparation to prepare the film the demand for film products declined. When the demand declined the supply also declined. Today, we use devises that immediately produce and record and image.
  • Fax machines

    In 1843 Alexander Bain made the worlds first fax machine. Fax machines alone are obsolete. Nowadays, manufactures make machines that print, copy and fax. One machine that can provide three things is much better than one by itself and most business agree. This is why the supply and demand has also reduced.
  • Typewriters

    Typewriters were made in 1867 by Christopher Latham Sholes,William Austin Burt, Henry Mill, Samuel W. Soulé, James Fields Smathers and Frank Edward McGurrin. They first made the typewriter as a way you can type down everything you need and to accomplish it faster. Typewriters were bulky and required a lot of maintenance. Now along with the computer and a printer we accomplish the same, if not more, than we did with a typewriter.
  • Phone Books

    The phone book was made in 1880. A yellow page book would show up on everyones door with other peoples phone numbers in it. Phone books where used to find people you needed to contact. Now phone books are believed to be a waste, in 2012 some cities in Canada started banning phone books.
  • GPS devices

    GPS devices are now obsolete products because a lot of new cars have built in GPS or a GPS can also be found on watches or phones. The GPS has improved from a one use technology to a many use technology. The GPS was made in February of 1973 made by Ivan A. Getting, Bradford Parkinson and Roger L. Easton.
  • CDs

    In 1979 the first CD was made by James T. Russell. CDs were used to hold and watch movies, videos, pictures etc. People don't use CDs anymore now we use our phones or computer or other advanced technology to store picture, videos etc.
  • Walkmans

    July 1, 1979 Sony Corporation and Nobutoshi Kihara made a walkman so people can enjoy and listen to music where an whenever they want. People that would use these would have to hold them or put them in the back or font of their pant pockets. Sony stopped producing walkman's on October 22, 2010 because technology improved allowing people to hear music on a smaller device and improved quality. We now use devices such as, phones, car radio's and watches to listen to music.
  • Pagers

    Pagers where was a wireless communications device that receives and displays numbers, letters and voice messages. Made in 1994 by Alfred J. Gross, the pagers main idea was that you would text a message to someone and they would find a phone to respond. Today, the idea of texting a message to someone is done though a cell phone.