Peter the Great

  • Peter's Arranged Marriage

    Peter's mother arranged his marriage with Eudoxia Lopukhina, who was the daughter of a minor noble. Together, they produced 3 children.
  • Peter's Divorce

    Peter's marriage was unhappy from the beginning, and following the divorce Peter forced his ex-wife to join an convent.
  • Peter's Ex-Wife Joins a Convent

    Following their divorce, Peter forces his ex-wife, Eudoxia, into a convent
  • Peter Marries Martha (Catherine) Skavronskaya

    Peter converted Martha to the Russian Orthodox Church and gave her the name of Catherine; they shared 11 children together.
  • Peter's Son is Secretly Executed

    His eldest son, Alexis, was convicted of high treason by his father and was executed soon after.