Personal and World Timeline

By KPichon
  • 9/11 Attacks

    9/11 Attacks
    The four attacks on September 11th were coordinated by the Islamic terrorist group known as al-Qaeda against the United States. Their attack killed 2,996 people including the 19 terrorists themselves, these deaths took place on the planes, The World Trade center and the surrounding area, and the Pentagon.
  • Period: to

    World Events

  • Birth

    When I was Born
  • Period: to

    Personal Events

  • Rosa Parks Died

    Rosa Parks Died
    Rosa Parks was a Civil Rights activist. She also started one of the largest social movements in history known as the Montgomery Bus Boycott. She refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man and in doing sparked a flame that went on to change many black and white lives.
  • Killian

    Killian was born on January 27th of 2009, he is the oldest of my three younger brothers. When he was born it was the moment I would have to learn how to be a big sister and how to deal with younger siblings. When he was born I felt a sense of pride and a feeling of I had to protect him.
  • Swine Flu deemed Global Pandemic

    Swine Flu deemed Global Pandemic
    The H1N1 virus named the swine flu was named a global pandemic on June 11th of 2009 by the World Health Organization. This is the first pandemic since the 1967-1968 Hong Kong flu.
  • Revin

    Revin was Born
  • Osama Bin Laden Killed

    Osama Bin Laden Killed
    Osama Bin Laden leader of the Al-Qaeda terrorist and mastermind behind the attacks on the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and several more locations was killed during a U.S. Navy Seal raid in his hideout located in Pakistan.
  • Rory

    Rory was Born
  • Jessica Ridgeway

    Jessica Ridgeway
  • The Creation of Black Lives Matter

    The Creation of Black Lives Matter
  • Boston Marathon Massacre

    Boston Marathon Massacre
    Two bombs set off near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killed three and injured hundreds of people in a terrorist attack. The attack shutdown the city while federal officials and police searched for the suspects and apprehended them within four days of the attack.
  • Goliath Died

    Goliath Died
    Goliath was my first dog and he was everything a child could ever want in a dog. When he died I felt a great sense of loss and a feeling I never wanted to feel again. When my dog died I learned that everything had a timer and that you should always because some day the bell will ring and they will be gone.
  • Parents Divorced

    Parents Divorced
    My parents divorced in the summer of 7th grade. When this happened I took on a lot of responsibility trying to watch the boys and support my parents. Almost every night I would cry myself to sleep. I felt torn between two parents that were squabbling. I was scared but it taught me to be honest and speak my mind.
  • Zika Virus Epidemic

    Zika Virus Epidemic
  • My Dad Had Surgery

    My Dad Had Surgery
  • Orlando Nightclub shooting

    Orlando Nightclub shooting
  • Started Highschool

    Started Highschool
  • Las Vegas Massacre

    Las Vegas Massacre
  • Australia Trip

    Australia Trip
    I took a trip to Australia for 2 weeks and got to do all sorts of things to expand my knowledge on the continent. I got to do things such as hold a koala, snorkel in the great barrier reef, visit the Whitsunday islands, and stay on a secluded island for 3 days and 2 nights. That trip was amazing and something I will never forget.
  • Apollo Died

    Apollo Died
    When Apollo died it was my first year of high school and I was very stressed out and when he died I felt it gave me a chance to release that stress and cry. He was such a big dog and when he left he left behind a lot of space to fill. Now when I come home I feel like the house is empty because I'm used to seeing this dopey dog wandering around.