Period 7 Timeline 1890-1945

  • Period: to

    Period 7

  • Hawaii overthrow

    The U.S. was involved with taking over the Hawaiian government,
  • Hawaii annexation

    This was after the overthrow of the Hawaiian government, they were annexed into the United States, politics and a social change occurred.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    A violent anti christain and anti foreign movment in China that resulted in the large scale murder of well over 100,000 lives
  • U.S. enters WW1

    After events such as the sinking of the lusitania and the zimmerman note, the outraged US oficially joined The Great War
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The treaty that ended the forst world war. The treaty of Versailles brutally punished germany by limiting its military and placing the country in massive debt. The treaty of versailles was a contributing factor to hitlar's rise as a radical dictator.
  • 18th ammendment

    The 18th ammendment made the production and distribution of alcohol illegal. Many gangs came to power in big cities via speak easies and other illegal alcohol trades
  • 19th ammendment

    An ammendment that granted women the right to vote. The 19th ammendment was the result of many years of progressive movments and the activities womens rights activists
  • Crash on wall street (great depression)

    The stock market crashed and brought american finance and peace of mind with it. The crash was detrimental to stockholders and companies, but it was worsened by a general distrust of the bank system that sent the economy into a downward spiral that would only be undone by the profits of war.
  • New deal

    FDR's all encomposing plan that sought to end the depression via massive government spending to stimulate the economy and safety net programs to help the average citizen.
  • D-Day

    The winning blow that defeated the german forces and brought peace to Europe. The operation was headed by general Eisenhour, and that fame would go on to grant him the preaidancy.