
Pearl Harbour Attack

  • Naval Fleet Prepares

    Naval Fleet Prepares
    The Naval Fleet of Japan departs from Japan and heads to Hawaii.
  • First Signs

    First Signs
    General Commanders of Hawaiian Department, E. Kimmel and C. Short, recieve a call from Washington. The call states the possibility of a japanese attack in the pacific.
  • Peace Appeal

    Peace Appeal
    Franklin Roosvelt sends a peace appeal to Japan but he gets no answer.
  • Harbour Attack

    Harbour Attack
    Hundreds of Japanese planes attack the American Harbour with about 2,000 US casualities and 20 battleships destroyed.
  • Messages Interception

    Messages Interception
    Some hours before the attack, the US intercepted some messages from Washington. They find out Japan's plans to destroy diplomatic relations with the US.
  • Public Media

    Public Media
    The event is radio broadcasted to the public. The news shock the nation and many young volunteers get involved in the US army.
  • War Declaration

    War Declaration
    The day after the attack, US President Roosvelt asked the congress to declare war on Japan. The Congress aproved the declaration. Us declares war together with Britain.
  • Roosvelt's Speech

    Roosvelt's Speech
    The day after the incident, President Roosvelt gave a very well-known speech: "The day of Infamy"
  • Japan allies Germany and Italy

    Japan allies Germany and Italy
    As Japanese allied Italy and Germany, those became US enemies. The US got more involved into the war.
  • Works Cited

    History.com Staff. (2009). Pearl Harbor. Retrieved March 29, 2017, from http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/pearl-harbor Timeline of the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor (December 7th, 1941). (n.d.). Retrieved March 29, 2017, from http://www.secondworldwarhistory.com/attack-on-pearl-harbor.asp A Pearl Harbor Timeline. (2004, December 07). Retrieved March 29, 2017, from http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4206060