Pauline's Psychology timeline

  • Functionalism

    Basic common sense based on why people do the the things they do. their adaptation.
  • Gestalt Psychology

    the gestalt experiment is on a persons perspective on how they see things say you look at a flip book if you look at it one at a time you wont see anything appear but as you increase the motio, if the flip book you see a clearer picture appear or if some people were to go cloud watching not everyone would see what others say it may seem to look like to them
  • Structuralism

    was the first schools of psychology founded by Wilhelm Wundt "Father of experimental" on a method called introspection example if you have a few people look at several mangos and tell them to describe in detail each will have a different description also study of consciousness
  • Humanistic Psychology

    says that healthy people will make the decisions that are right for them more like only a developed person can reach their full potential
  • Child Develpoment

    say kids develop in predictable stages kids ae like sponges they'll suck up any and everything around them
  • Psychoanalysis

    sys that that the cause of behavior may be from childhood can mess you for a lifetime and can scar you for life its not a science basically therapy the investigates your mental
  • Behaviorism

    studies how humans react to stimuli by observing the person, training the body's reactions examples such as motives and emotions
  • 1/3 human development

    Psychologists Study TV and Video Game Violence for Potential Harmful Effects
    As video game technology is relatively new, there are fewer empirical studies of video game violence than other forms of media violence.
  • 2/3 human development

    Scanning the Brain New technologies shed light on the brain's form and function.
    Intensive instruction in reading improves how a child's brain works.key parts of the brain may not communicate well, making it hard to organize one'sbthought process lol light literally on the human brain.:)
  • 3/3 human development

    More Sleep Would Make Us Happier, Healthier and Safer Many people are surprised to learn that researchers have discovered a single treatment that improves memory, increases people's ability to concentrate, strengthens the immune system and decreases people's risk of being killed in accidents