Part 2 American Revolution War

  • WWI (French and Indian War)

    Great Britain and America fought together to defeat France and the Natives (there opponents) in WWI the US and Great Britain were teamed up to fight the central powers.
  • Battle of Concord (Shot heard round the world)

    The Battle of Concord triggered the american revolutionary war. ¨Shot heard round the world" lso became associated with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand which triggered WWI.
  • Civil rights riot (Boston Tea Party)

    Boston tea party was a protest by the American colonist against the british tea taxes. Civil rights era had many protests against segregation laws between 1940-1971.
  • Abolishment of Jim Crow laws (Declaration of Independence)

    The Declaration of Independence used the phrase ¨all men created equal¨ but wasn't actually taken for consideration to blacks until the Abolishment of Jim Crow laws which happened in 1964.