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Papunya School Book

By ohannon
  • History Starts to Change

    Around 150 years ago when the white people came to Australia the aboriginals thought they were ghost.
  • Period: to

    Papunya School Book

  • land taken for cattle

    there was no paper declaring who owned what land, so the white people came along and took the land the aboriginal people were on for thousands of years.
  • balance of nature broken

    the cattle that the British brang, drink all the water holes and ate all the grass that the native animals used to eat. the natives found it really hard to live in their beautiful home as all their bush tucker ust kept on disappearing
  • Anangu Resistance

    The pastronaries continued to take the land. while more people arrived to build telegraph lines. one was built in a beautiful place called Alice springs.
  • Missionaries Arrive

    the colony was growing and more and more people were coming. the aboriginals saw a different type of white people, they didn't know at the time but they were the Germans, and they were there to teach the Christian religion.
  • A Town Called Stuart

    in 1880, a few people would camp on the banks of todd, the river of Alice springs. so they can go minding in hopes of finding gold. the government soon decided to give the banks of todd a name, it soon became a town called Stuart.
  • Going to a School in Stuart

    a school opened in 1914 made out of timber and iron next to the police station. aboriginals had lesson in the afternoon and white people had it in the morning. nearby there was a tiny tin shed, in which, some of the aboriginals went to school slept.
  • Transport and Health

    after the first world war ended the colony was growing even faster. Then in 1921 townsfolks were thrilled to see the first plane land in Australia. then the train was introduced, there was a track between Adelaide and Stuart. then medicines got better and flying doctors was established.