Nullification crisis

  • The tariff of 1824

    The tariff of 1824
    This was a tariff that was meant to place a tax on iron, cotton and wool textiles. This lead to an increase in tariffs and anger between the colonist.
  • tariff of 1828

    tariff of 1828
    This was a protective tariff that was implemented to save some of the dying industries in the North. The American North industries were dying because, the Europeans were selling their goods at low prices and it caused the colonist to buy the Europeans products.
  • The South Carolina Exposition

    The South Carolina Exposition
    This was an explanation to congress explaining South Carolina problems with the tariff 1828 and 1824. This led to states agreeing with Calhoun, the writer of this exposition.
  • The Tariff of 1832

    The Tariff of 1832
    This was a tariff that was meant to help reduce/ stop tariffs, and resolve problems. This tariff solved problems that were caused by the tariff of 1828 and 1824. This tariff lead to an argument between South Carolina and the other states.
  • South Carolina Nullification

    South Carolina Nullification
    This declared that the the tariff of 1828 and 1832 were unconstitutional. This set the precedent for further tariffs proving that tariffs could not be to insane or else they would be nullified.
  • Jackson's Proclamation Against Nullification.

    Jackson's Proclamation Against Nullification.
    Jackson instructed for troops to be brought to SC so that they can enforce/pass bills that would give the military the power to enforce tariffs.
  • Haynes Counter Proclamation

    Haynes Counter Proclamation
    This stated that a state that was oppressed could say it was unconstitutional and void the oppression. This led to an argument about if it was constitutional to void laws, and this put SC in a tough position with the US.
  • Clay's Compromise

    Clay's Compromise
    This was a response about the force bill. Clay's Compromise discussed a new tariff that dismissed tariffs slowly. The states like SC that nullified the tariffs avoided conflict by just not talking with the US about the compromise, they wanted to stop any arguments at all cost.
  • Force Bill

    Force Bill
    This bill gave Andrew Jackson the power to use the army/navy to take money from 1828 and 1832. This was shown unconstitutional because, SC showed how they had found it unconstitutional to to collect money on tariffs like this.
  • South Caroline Repeal of Nullification

    South Caroline Repeal of Nullification
    This was when the state of SC repealed their nullification on the tariff of 1832 and they showed that they would start collecting taxes from the state. This was a representation that the South was starting to agree with the North and they were becoming one.