Nicaragua part 2

  • The Somoza Era

    The Somoza Era
    Somoza Garcia had control over political power directly and indirectly as president. He did this buying either being the actual president or choosing puppet presidents he could manipulate easily. Garcia was excellent with English and his understanding of political systems which made the United states his ally. Origin:This article was written by the editors of encyclopedia Britannica on Fact:Garcia was the son of a rich coffee farmer and was educated in the U.S. and Nicaragua.
  • The Sandista Revolution

    The Sandista Revolution
    President Somoza refused to have a national plebiscite and wanted to stay in power till 1981. In February the Sandistas created the FPN. The FSLN launched an attack while the guard had grown weak and by June most of Nicaragua was in the power of the FSLN. Origin:This source is an article on the website a source aimed towards sharing information about Nicaragua.
    Fact:On July 19 of every year people from all over the country would meet at Plaza La Fe to remember the historical event.
  • Consolidation of the Revolution

    Consolidation of the Revolution
    The Sandista inherited a country in ruins. The goal of the new government was reconstruction of the economy. They also pledged to give food to the poor. In the begging the economy experienced positive growth. The second goal was to make a less brutal government and oppressive. The third goal was to establish political institutions to calm the revolution. Origin: Same as last event. Fact: People from all different types of jobs and occupations were involved in the revolution.
  • Growth of Oppostion

    Growth of Oppostion
    The Sandista government wasnt supported by everyone. The indigenous people also known as the Miskito have often been neglected so they didn't want the attention of the Sandista government. The government responded to this by forcefully moving the Miskito people. They claimed that this was a violation of human rights.
    Origin:This source was written by the editors of Britannica on
    Fact: The modern Miskito live based on farming and their staple crop is cassava.
  • Regional peace effort and retrenchment of the revolution

    Regional peace effort and retrenchment of the revolution
    Daniel Ortega started his presidential term in 1985. The united states stopped funding the contras and soon ordered a total embargo. They thought that the Sandista Regime was threatening the U.S. The U.S. was shaken by the illegal operation of funds from selling weapons to iran.
    Origin: This source is written on and is a secondary source biography.
    Fact: Since being elected in 2007 Ortega has been re-elected two more times.