New Imperialism

  • The company had gained much control of india

    The British company had already been trying to take over a lot of parts in india
  • Taking over the Dutch East India Company in 1799

    The dutch government had modified the company which made them loose control of java.
  • Chinese had no reason to question the concept of China as the central kingdom.

    The people didn't have a choice to question china as a kingdom. They also thought that they need to change stuff in the government rules.
  • Period: to


  • Period: to


  • the Nguyen Dynasty (1802– 1945) came to power in Vietnam,

    This was when Vietnam was putting a end to the 30 years of peasants. And the civil war and rebellion
  • Parliament declared a slave trade illegal

    Britain started to use big slave ship to transport then back to were they were so they can have freedom. And then the slaves had established a new colonie
  • America banned slave importation

    They banned slave importation because the amount of slaves having children. But still Europeans still wanted slaves because of the plantation
  • the Dutch ruled little more than the island of Java.

    the dutch had bought over 3000 miles of land and then processed to get stuff from India
  • The British had found something the Chinese would buy: opium.

    During the 1820s the British had found opium and they think that the Chinese would buy a lot of that. And i got bad to the point were opium was smuggled to china.
  • Liberia Established

    after america abolished slavery they went back Liberia to found a government. Liberia was one of the only country's to not be colonized
  • In 1825 King Minh Mang (r. 1820–1841) outlawed the teaching of Christianity

    This was when KIng Mang had started to teach people Christianity. Then soon his government was destroying Catholic missionaries and Vietnamese
  • The Sati (window suiside) was outlawed

    This was something that they did as a ritual in India and then would kill the husbands
  • The British decided that they wanted to create a market with china to trade

    during that time the British thought that if they can be able to make a market with china they will be able to make a a lot of money. Also they wanted to trade for tea more cheaply and trade closer with central china.
  • Tokyo had demand diplomatic negotiations with the emperor.

    Japan had demanded that they wanted to trade becasue they wanted to be stronger and a new change in japan.
  • The last armed resistance to British

    this was the last time that India had fought against the British people and army
  • India was ruled by the British Parliament in London

    Sooner or later the British people have took over India in london. And this had started a little war.
  • "When foreign diplomats and merchants began to settle in Yokohama after 1858"

    This caused samurais to react with a wave of terrorism and it caused government assassinations.
  • France renewed hostilities with china

    China and France had got together and china was forced to open foreign places for more open trade.
  • A coalition of reform-minded daimyo led a coup that ousted the Tokugawa Shogunate.

    It was a samurai that had lead coup and declared that he will return back to the emperor. The emperor was Meiji (MAY-jee) and he was a great emperor for japans history.
  • scramble for Africa

    This was when British conlonis had started to find free land in africa. Then they used to this for trade areas back the.
  • In 1889 Japan became the first non-Western country

    1889 japan was going to be the first ever non western country in the world to adopt the
    constitutional form of government. Also that the Germans would provide the most constitutional monarchy would provide the best model for Japan.