myhan STAAR 5

  • 1215

    magna carta

    Limited the power of the King of England. Gave white rich men more rights
  • Jamestown founded

    First successful English colony in America. Founded for tobacco profit
  • Period: to

    southern colonies formed

    profit off tobacco ( cash crops) was the reason for settlement. geography- was fertile soil and flat land.
    religion- christian and roman catholic
  • Virginia House of Burgess

    First representative government in America
  • May flower compact

    First britain contract
  • Period: to

    New England Colonies formed

    Was founded because the want of religious freedom
    Geography- Atlantic coast, rocky soil,forest areas, and long harsh winters
    Religion- Puritans and Pilgrims
  • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

    form of representative goverment in american colonies
  • Period: to

    Middle colonies formed

    The reason for settling economic opportunities and religious and political freedom
    geography- fertile soil, flat lands, plains, and shorter winters
    main religion- quakers
  • Mercantilism

    American colonies provided raw materials for England, which then sold the finished product back the colonies it violated their freedom to trade
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    The French and Indian war was between the British and France while the Indians allied with France. They fought because they wanted control over North America. This was cause of the Revolutionary war as Great Britain taxed America after the Revolutionary war cause they were in debt. Of course we all know that America ( colonist also) didn't like that so they fought for independence
  • Proclamation line

    Was a line set on after the french and indian war. British colonies to the east, french and native americans to the west of appalachian mountains. It angered the colonist because they were separated
  • Stamp Act

    The first tax placed on American colonies to pay Britain's debt from the French and Indian War The american colonist were mad cause they didn't like taxes
  • Stamp act congress

    First meeting between colonies and they discussed their problems with the King of england
  • Boston massacre

    The Boston massacre was when Americans were protesting the taxes and British soldiers got things thrown at them. The first death in the American Revolution was Crispus Attucks Five colonist died
  • Boston Tea party

    The Boston Tea party was a protest. It was responding to the tea act which was a tax on tea.
    The sons of liberty were a society to fight for freedom ( example- they fought cause of the taxes from the british ) from the British and to protect the rights of the colonist. Their leader was Samuel Adams.
  • Coercive (Intolerable) Acts

    The Coercive (Intolerable) Acts were to ban town meetings, and allowed british soldiers to be housed in colonist homes. This was to punish for the colonies protests but it actually united the colonies and lead to the First Continental Congress.
  • First Continental Congress

    The twelve colonies met to discuss their problems and grievances with Great Britain. They decided to respond to Great Britain by boycotting what Great Britain did which is the Coercive (Intolerable) Acts and taxes.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    The Lexington and Concord was the shot around the world, it was significant and called that cause it was the first battle of the revolution. Paul Revere warned that the British were trying to arrest the Sons of Liberty. The british were also called the red coats.
  • Common sense

    Common sense was a pamphlet to help tell why the colonies should be independent, and was written by Thomas Paine
  • Second Continental Congress

    Important people in Second Continental Congress was george washington ( he was the commander ), ben franklin, john adams, and thomas jefferson and they written the declaration of independence at the Second Continental Congress.
  • Battle of saratoga

    The battle of Saratoga was when Americans won, and gained help from spain and france ( this was why it was called the turning point in the war) America gained Spain and France help as France and Spain were also against Great Britain. The outcome of the battle of saratoga was that American made victories.
  • Winter Valley Forge

    George Washington was the leader during the Winter of Valley Forge, and a lot of people died in the Winter Valley Forge cause of the harsh conditions also cause of the lack of supplies ( food and clothing)
  • York town

    Marquis de lafayette, a french man, helped end the battle. The outcome was that British surrendered and ended the revolutionary war
  • Period: to

    Articles of Confederation-weakness

    Articles of Confederation was a very weak type of government cause first states had too much power, only one vote per state, they couldn't pay their debts from the revolutionary war, national government couldn't control the money only the states, all the states had different money, the national government didn't have power to tax cause the earnings came to the states and etc
  • Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris established that American colonies has independence and is free from Great Britain
  • The great compromise

    New Jersey ( smaller states) plan- One house legislature and each state was going to have equal power
    Virginia Plan (bigger states)- Bicameral legislature was going to have two houses of legislature government, and government Representative based on state population
    Great Compromise- They compromised into something both fitting on what they want like. Bicameral legislature, senate (each state gets two members) and House of representative was based on state population
  • Constitutional convention

    Major names involving the Constitutional convention were Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Adams, Ben Franklin, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson. The main author was James Madison
  • 3/5 compromise

    Every five slaves, only count as three, so every slave counts for 3/5 of a person
  • Anti Federalist papers

    Main authors were Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry. Were against ratifying the constitution, and the reason why was that they thought the constitution didn't give states enough rights.
  • Federalist papers

    Alexander and James Madison were the main authors of the federalist papers. They were in favor of ratification
  • Period: to

    George Washington Presidency

    He set up the presidential cabinet
  • Whiskey rebellion

    A protest to the first tax that was placed after the constitution was written. President Washington shut the rebellion down with the military.
  • Pinckney's Treaty

    A treaty signed with Spain to allow the U.S to trade in New orleans
  • George Washington Presidency

    Washington wanted America to stay neutral with foreign affairs and avoid political parties
  • Period: to

    John Adams Presidency

    First president to claim a political party and leader of the federalist party ( strong central government) He passed the alien and seditions acts where the central ( federal government) to imprison you if you were from a foreign country
  • Period: to

    Thomas Jefferson Presidency

    He was a leader of the democratic-republican party ( states rights) He fought with the pirates( Barbary Pirates) this was the first official war in the U.S
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Started Manifest destiny. Doubled the size of the U.S, Jefferson bought it, and was bought from France
  • Mary V. Madison

    Event in 1803. First ever supreme court case. Set up the principle judicial review
  • Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase was bought from France and doubled the size of the U.S.
  • Period: to

    James Madison Presidency

    The U.S. entered the war of 1812 during James Madison's presidency. Great Britain and the U.S. fought in the war of 1812. An important song written at this time was the star spangled banner. and a important region was the Great Lakes. A strong leader during the battle of New Orleans was Andrew Jackson
  • Period: to

    James Monroe's Presidency

    Written the Monroe Doctrine and the Monroe Doctrine was sent an agreement to Europe that they could NOT colonize the americans