My Smart Goal Timeline

  • My Goal

    My Goal
    My goal is to get a job at District Equity by getting a masters in buisness.
  • Start a Job

    Start a Job
    Start a job to help me get money to go to college. This job would tie into business because I want to see what it is like to be in that situation when I grow to have a full-time job at my future job at District Equity.
  • Get a great GPA

    Get a great GPA
    Next, I get a great GPA to be able to get into a great college to support and help for my buisness career. Getting into a great school, means getting a great GPA because it shows that you work hard and will fit best into that school. That being said I would need at least around a 3.8 to 4.5 to get into UNC because that is a high standard school.
  • Get accepted into a great school

    Get accepted into a great school
    Next, I get accepted into UNC so I can get a degree in business. I get accepted because of the and work and good grades and GPA I got in school. With that, this would be a great start into my next chapter in school and would really help me getting a job into my uncle's business.
  • Finish College

    Finish College
    Next, I would finish college at UNC and successfully get a degree in business. I would then start my job at my Uncle's business to help me have a great career and a great life.
  • Start my Job

    Start my Job
    After I graduate from college, I will start my job at District Equity. This proves that I did what I said I would do in my life. I feel comfortable in what i'm doing and it shows that hard work pays off.