Middle School The Worst Years of my Life By Cal

  • Event 1 Rafe Khatchadorian

    Event 1 Rafe Khatchadorian
    Rafe Khatchadorian, a sixth grade boy, that goes to Hills Village Middle School, and absolutely hates school. Although, basically the only part he likes about school is seeing Jeanne Galleta. Jeanna Galleta is Rafe crush he has liked her for a long time. In addition, his mother recently got married to a guy named Carl but Rafe call's him Bare. Rafe does not like bare because he does not work and makes his mom work double shift, so now Rafe never gets to see her, and he does not like that.
  • Event 2 Leonardo The silent

     Event 2 Leonardo The silent
    Leonardo, is Rafe's best friend, and really Rafe's only friend. Leo is known to draw what he is thinking more than say what he is thinking. Even though Leo is Rafe's imaginary friend, they have always had a strong relationship. They have been best friends for Rafe's whole life; however, Leo seems to get Rafe in a lot of unneeded trouble. Leo is not a positive role model for Rafe, but nobody can understand that because Leo is imaginary. Rafe does not care if Leo is a positive role model or not.
  • Event 3 Operation R.A.F.E

     Event 3 Operation R.A.F.E
    Operation R.A.F.E is an operation for Rafe to complete during school because Rafe and Leo thought school was to boring. Therefore, Leo created operation R.A.F.E, which is a where Rafe gets points for breaking rules, and tries to break every rule in school before the school year is over. However, Rafe only had a certain amount of time and lives to complete these challenges.
    The good part for Rafe is that the is nothing on the line whether he breaks every rule in the book or not.
  • Event 4 Miller the killer

     Event 4 Miller the killer
    Miller, AKA Miller the killer is Rafe's biggest fear. Rafe absolutely despieces Miller because of how often he teases and beats him up. For example one time Miller did not like that Rafe got in his face so he shoved him against a locker. Miller oftenly gets in fights with Rafe; however, Rafe always gets the bigger punishment whether he deserves it or not. For instance, Miller and Rafe got in a fist fight and Miller punched first, but yet Rafe got one more day of detention.
  • Event 5- Jeanne Galleta

    Event 5- Jeanne Galleta
    Jeanne Galleta is Rafe's crush, they both go to Hills Village Middle School. In addition, they are both 12, and in 6th grade, but Jeanne is really smart, and nate is not. Jeanne Galleta is one of Rafe's only real friends. Rafe thinks that she likes him more than a friend, but she does not, he just thinks of her like that. The reason Rafe thinks she likes his as more than more than a friend is because oh how she had been acting towards him recently.
  • Event 6- The Notebook

    Event 6- The Notebook
    Rafe and Leo decided on writing the whole operation R.A.F.E in a notebook so then Rafe could have it with him at all times. Although, one day Miller the Killer stole that note book from Rafe and said that he would have to pay per page to get it back. The amount per page soon increased; therefore, Rafe had to pay more. Rafe really wanted the notebook back because it had important information in it, so he created a plan to make money to pay of the ransom.
  • Event 7- Zoom Sales

    Event 7- Zoom Sales
    Rafe began to sell Bare’s zoom because Bare had so much of it and so many secret staces he was unable to tell and remember if Rafe took any or not. This is how Rafe earned money to by pages of the notebook back from Miller. Although, Rafe would have gotten in big trouble if a teacher or Bare caught him selling it he did not care, because he wanted the notebook back so bad. Luckily for him, Rafe never got selling it to his friends he was smart enough to know when to sell it and when not to.
  • Event 8- The worst tutor ever

    Event 8- The worst tutor ever
    Because Rafe was failing almost every class and did not do his homework, his parents and principal made him get a tutor. The principle figured the best kind of tutor for Rafe would be another student the same age as him. Then Jeanne Galleta offer to tutor him which he did not like because that's his crush. In addition, the tutoring did not improve Rafes grades, all it did for him was make things more awkward between him and his crush Jeanne Galleta.
  • Event 9- Bathroom Incident

     Event 9- Bathroom Incident
    Rafe was in Ms. Donatello's room getting tutored from Jeanne Galleta then all the sudden Jeanne said if you do not get your grades up Rafe you're not going to pass. This caused Rafe to sprint out of the room and into the bathroom, she came running after him and went in the boys room to talk to him about it. Next, the teacher walked in on them in the bathroom and Jeanne got in trouble for the first time in her life. Because of what Jeanne did she earned herself her first detention ever.
  • Leo Khatchadorian

    Leo Khatchadorian
    Leo Khatchadorian is Rafe's twin brother. Leo is Rafes twin brother that died when Rafe was three years old. Leo died of meningitis. This was heart breaking for Rafe’s whole family, but especially Rafe because of the strong relationship he had with Leo. Even at such a young age you could tell Leo and Rafe were going to be best friends. Whether Leo is alive right now of not Rafe treats him as he is still alive, and maybe that is why nobody understands why Rafe is such a trouble maker.