Middle ages

  • 500

    Start of the Middle Ages

    Start of the Middle Ages
    The middle ages or medeavil era was a time of dark ages between 500 AD and 1500, it eventaly merged into the renisance and age of discovery.
  • 500

    Invention of Wheelbarrow

    Invention of Wheelbarrow
    The wheelbarrow is one of the most usfull invintions of the middle ages. Invented in china, the wheelbarrow allowed for ease of transport and faster construction.
  • Dec 7, 742

    Rise of Charlemagne

    Rise of Charlemagne
    Charlimane was a ruler of the germanic people and much of western europe during the middle ages. His goal was to unite europe and convert everyone to christianity.
  • Dec 7, 814


    Because he was crowned the ruler of rome by the pope at the time, he united many peoples and converted them. This essensaly saved christianity in the west. For this he is known as the father of europe.
  • Jan 1, 1054

    Great Schism

    Great Schism
    The great schism rifers to the event during the 11th centurey that majorly divided the eastern and western. The division was mainly between the east (or Byzingtine empire) and west (Roman empire)
  • Dec 7, 1096

    1st crusade

    1st crusade
    The 1rst crusade was the firsts of a number of religous wars that were sanctioned by the latin roman church to atempt to capture the holy land (jurusilum) and "liberate" it from muslum control.
  • Jan 1, 1101

    High Middle Ages

    High Middle Ages
    The high middle ages were a peiriod in the middle ages during the 11th 12th and 13th centarys, it was eventaly followed by the late and early middle ages.
  • Mar 5, 1133

    Henry II

    Henry II
    Henry II was the king of england who was born in 1133 and ruled between 1154-89. His acomplishments were: Count of Anjou, Count of Maine, Duke of Normandy, Duke of Aquitaine, Count of Nantes, King of England.
  • Dec 7, 1149

    2nd crusade

    2nd crusade
    The second in a long line of religous wars between christianity in the west and islam in the east. This crusade was started when the zengis took the county of Edessa.
  • Dec 7, 1189

    3rd Crusade

    3rd Crusade
    The third crusade was another in a long line of religious wars against christianity and islam. This piticular one ended in muslum victory and a three year long truce.
  • Jun 15, 1215

    King John and the Magna Carta

    King John and the Magna Carta
    Magna Carta or "Great charter" in latin was a "Bill of rights" Between king John and groups of rebel barons in the area. It promised protection from church rights, protection from illigal imprisoment and acsess to swift justice.
  • Dec 7, 1301

    Late Middle Ages

    Late Middle Ages
    The late middle ages followed the high middle ages and lasted from the 14th to 15th centary. It was followd by the early modern era.
  • Dec 7, 1428

    Joan of Arc and Orleans

     Joan of Arc and Orleans
    Joan of Arc (a french teenage pesent) was experiencing visions and went to the king to tell/ warn him. Beleaving her he gave her a small army and they marched to Orleans, liberating it from a year long sige.
  • Dec 7, 1440

    Invention of the Printing Press

    Invention of the Printing Press
    1) Invented be Johannes Gutenberg
    2) he was a goldsmith fromgermany.