McNamara, Trevor: Erikson Psychosocial Timeline

  • Jeffery's Elementary School Karate Tournament

    Jeffery's Elementary School Karate Tournament
    After practicing for what seemed like forever to a Fourth Grader, Jeffery makes it to quarter-finals, and his opponent is Ryan from his own class. Jeffery loses to Ryan since he has more years of experience, which makes Jeffery feel inferior to Ryan in terms of ability. According to Erikson's 8 stages of Psychosocial development, Jeffery is in the stage of Industry vs. Inferiority, where the Karate tourney is the Industry peak of skill and Ryan's guilt of losing leaving him feel depressed.
  • Jeffery's perplexing decision to start college or pursue Karate

    Jeffery's perplexing decision to start college or pursue Karate
    Jeffery, now a Junior in High School, wonders if he should apply college to pursue his new dream of being a Car Mechanic, or continue his Karate career into higher degrees. He also wonders if it's right to follow one dream and forget another, as exams are fast approaching. Identity vs. Role Confusion is common for people in Jeffery's situation according to Erikson's Theory; while car maintenance is his new hobby, he also remembers how much he loves Karate, and needs to think about his future.
  • Jeffery's choice to become a Car Mechanic

    Jeffery's choice to become a Car Mechanic
    Jeffery made the tough choice on pursuing a career as a car mechanic. Luckily, two of his old friends from high school also wanted to be car mechanics, and they all decided to take classes together for college. According to Erikson's Theory, people Jeffery's age experience Intimacy vs. Isolation once reaching adulthood, where people begin to distance themselves if relationships are not created. Thanks to Jeffery's car friends, he will be able to create a long lasting friendship pursuing college