
Martina Capelli Civil War Timeline

  • South Carolina secedes

    South Carolina secedes
    On news of Lincoln's election, South Carolina (site of nullification fight in 1830s) secedes
  • Lincoln elected president

    Lincoln elected president
    Though winning in the electoral college, Lincoln's lack of a popular majority (1.9 million out of 4.7 million votes cast) is an indication of the problems he would face with a divided nation
  • Confederacy formed

    Confederacy formed
    Seven states form Confederacy, write their own constitution, and plan for an independent nation
  • Ft. Sumter attacked

    Ft. Sumter attacked
    Lincoln decides to supply Ft. Sumter, but wants the South to fire the first shot.
  • Bull Run 1st battle

    Bull Run 1st battle
    Gen. McDowell leads 30,000 men against Gen. Johnston's 22,000 Southern troops in an attempt to crush the rebels and go "On to Richmond." South scores victory as Union troops flee back to Washington in disarray. McDowell replaced by Gen. McClellan
  • Ft. Henry & Ft. Donelson

    Ft. Henry & Ft. Donelson
    General Grant captures two forts on the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers. Confederates forced out of Kentucky and yield much of Tennessee
  • New Orleans

    New Orleans
    Farragut seizes New Orleans for Union after boldly attacking Southern position. 11 Southern ships sunk
  • Peninsular Campaign (Yorktown, Seven Days' Battle, Fair Oaks)

    Peninsular Campaign (Yorktown, Seven Days' Battle, Fair Oaks)
    After continual prodding by Lincoln, McClellan decides to attack Richmond via the South. He moves his large army down the Potomac, marches on Richmond, and then assumes a defensive position rather than pushing for victory. Gen. Lee takes command of Southern troops
  • Lincoln inauguration

    Lincoln inauguration
    Lincoln enters Washington D.C. in disguise because of unrest. Southerners begin seizing federal posts.
  • Monitor vs. Merrimac

    Monitor vs. Merrimac
    First ironclad battle in history ends in a draw as the Merrimac withdraws after daylong exchange of fire. Union blockade of South is maintained
  • Shiloh (Pittsburgh Landing)

    Shiloh (Pittsburgh Landing)
    Grant overcomes Southern forces with heavy losses for each side: 13,000 Union casualties, 11,000 for South
  • Bull Run (Manassas) 2nd battle

    Bull Run (Manassas) 2nd battle
    McClellan replaced by Gen. Pope. Lee and Gen. Stonewall Jackson defeat Union troops again at Manassas and Pope is replaced by McClellan
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    With victory at Antietam, Lincoln announces that on 1/1/63, all slaves in the rebelling states would be free. Does not affect border states. Forces European nations to recognize that choosing sides in the Civil War is to take a stand on slavery
  • Chattanooga

    Reinforced with troops from the East, Grant is able to push Southern troops back and prepare for assault on Atlanta and the heart of the Confederacy
  • Petersburg

    Grant focuses on important railroad junction and communication outside Richmond. Long siege of Petersburg begins with troops living in trenches which stretched for 50 miles