Major Events in the Civil War

  • Attack on Fort Sumter

    Confederate forces held open fire on the fort for 34 hours, then the U.S. troops finally surrendered.
  • 11 States Secede

    11 states broke off, or seceded, from the Union and became the Confederacy.
  • The Battle of Bull Run

    This was the first major battle of the Civil War.
  • The Battle of Shiloh

    The Confederacy attacked near Pitsburg Landing, Tennessee, and won against the Union.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which rid the country of slavery.
  • Draft Laws

    The Draft Act of 1863 required military work for three years of men ages 18-35.
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    The Siege of Vicksburg

    Robert L. Lee surrendered many of his armies after this siege.
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    The Battle of Gettysburg

    This is considered a turning point in the Civil War because the Union victory placed the Confederacy on the defense and ended the general's attempt to invade Union territory.
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    The Battle of Gettysburg

    Many consider it to be a turning point in the Civil War because the Union victory placed the Confederacy on the defensive and ended Gen. Robert E. Lee's most ambitious attempt to invade Union territory.
  • Surrender at Appomattox

    This is one of the last battles in the Civil War.