Mahatma Gandhi

  • Mahatma's Birth

    Mahatma's Birth
    Muhatma Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in Porbanda in India
  • Married

    Mahatma got married ar age 13. He married Kasturba Gandhi.
  • Move to Natal

    Move to Natal
    He was unsuccessful in Bombay. Therefore he moved to Natal, South Africa
  • College

    Mahatma went to a University College in London. He became a lawyer from college
  • Return

    He returned to India 3 years later in 1981. He lived in Bombay until 1883.
  • Start of Peaceful Revolution

    Start of Peaceful Revolution
    Mahatma declared he would go to jail before obeying anti-Asian laws. He even said he would DIE before following the law. Lots of Indians joined him in this disobedience.
  • Indian National Congress

    Indian National Congress
    He became the leader of the Indian National Congress.
  • Imprisoned

    He was imprisoned in 1922 for boycotting British goods. Even encouraging Indians to boycott British Evironment and courts.
  • Imprisoned again

    Imprisoned again
    He was imprisoned again for protesting salt taxes. He was leading thousands of Indians to the sea to collect their own salt.

    Muhatma and the Indians got indepence! India had finally won with independence .
  • Death

    He died on January 30, 1948 on his way to prayer at the age of 78. Muhatma got killed by someone who was angry about his protests.