
Looking For Alaska

  • 136 Days Before

    We meet the main protagonist of the novel, Miles. We learn that he wants to go to boarding school to find his "Great Perhaps"(Purpose in life). Miles meets his new roommate Chip Martin (aka The Colonel) and the pretty girl a few doors down the hall named Alaska Young, who Miles is attracted to immediately. Miles is also introduced to the two main groups of Culver Creek, the regular boaders and the Weekday Warriors.
  • 127 Days Before

    Miles receives a sort of initiation to Culver Creek Boarding School, except Miles is almost killed when the Weekday warriors duct tape Miles' whole body from ankles to mouth. Then Miles is thrown into the lake as a sign of warning not to hang out with the colonel and his group.
  • 110 Days Before

    Miles gets kicked out of his religions class and Alaska stands up for him. After class the four protagonists Miles, Colonel, Alaska and Takumi head to the smoke pit, where Alaska let's on that she may not truely be as happy as she seems. "Y'all smoke to enjoy it, I smoke to die."
  • 76 Days Before

    Alaska's room is flooded by the weekend warriors for snitching, the biggest no-no at the school. This sparks the second biggets conflict of the novel.
  • 52-44 Days Before

    Miles stays at Culver Creek with Alaska over Thanksgiving, giving them time to bond and do things Alaska has never shown either Colonel or Takumi. Alaska and Miles also go to the Colonels for Thanksgiving dinner.
  • 3 Days Before

    The main four plus a new addition, Lara pull off a major prank against the people that pranked Miles and Alaska. They escape without getting caught or injjred too bad, besides a cut on Miles' bum from a swan.
  • 2 Days Before

    The five spend the day hiding out, rapping, drinking and eventually get into sharing the best/worst days of their lives. This leads to really good character building and for readers and lets us really get to know characters even better and helps explain some of their characters. Miles also asks Lara ou, she says yes.
  • The Last Day (Day Of)

    Returning from their prank getaway, Miles and Lara further their relationship. Later that night however, after more drinking and a dare, Miles and Alaska would hook up and end with a "To be contiued from Alaska". After a phone call, a distressed Alaska shrieked that she needed to leave and needed a disstarction. Miles and Colonel lit fireworks to cover her escape and just lie that, she was gone.
  • The Day after

    Miles and Colonel, awake to the Eagle telling them there is an important assembly. Upon getting there, the Colonel insists that they wait for Alaska to start the assembly. The Eagle then told them that Alaska was in an accident and was killed.
  • 6 Days After

    Miles and the Colonel, seemingly left to themselves by choice, attend Alaska's funeral.
  • 13 Days After

    Miles and Colonel head to the police department to ask the police officer who witnessed Alaska's death on the highway. They find little to no confinfincing effidence as to whther Alaska killed herself on purpose.
  • 29 Days After

    Colonel phones Jake, Alaska's girlfriend, to hopefully find some more ansers about Alaska's death, but nothing conivincing.
  • 62 Days After

    Miles connects a flower that Jake talked about in his phone call to one that alska drew by the phone booth, possible showing alaskas motive or thinking moments before her death.
  • 102 Days After

    The Colonel, Miles, Lara and Takumi plan and pull off a prank deidcated to Alaska memory. On speaker day, Miles recruits a "strriper" to pretend to be a speaker and strip on stage.
  • 114 Days After

    Takumi reveals to Miles that Alaska was headed to her mothers grave to bring flowers to her grave. It was the anniversary of her mother's death and is the most reasonable reason as to why she may have killed herself, or at least where she was going.
  • 136 Days After

    Takumi leaves Miles and the Colonel letter disclosing to them that he saw Alaska on the night that she died and that he too "helped her to her death." Miles concludes the book with his final thoughts on Alaska, death and the great perhaps.