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Light and Optics-Zaennah Nadunza ^-^

  • Apr 19, 1268


    The earliest eyeglasses were worn by monks and scholars.it balanced on the nose.The inventor is unknown
  • May 23, 1561


    It was made around 300,000 years ago during bigbang
  • Telescope

    Hans Lippershey was a Dutch lens grinder and maker of spectacles. He is usually credited with the invention of the first telescope about 1600 and he applied for a patent in 1608. About a year later, various lens grinders of northern Europe, were making telescopes. Records show that the telescope was further developed by [GALILEO] and by others. [BACON] (in the 1200's) is also sometimes given credit for discovering the first telescope.
  • Light Bulb

    Light Bulb
    The light bulb was invented by Thomas Alva Edison
  • Flashlight

    the first dry cell was invented in 1887 it used paste electrolyte instead of a liquid