
Lifetime Personal Health

  • My 20's

    My 20's
    At this point in my life, I will have experienced the first years of independence and I hope to have completely cut out my snacking on unhealthy foods and I hope to be able to cook wholesome meals for myself. I also plan on being more physically active and hope to take part in running and other outdoor activities. Even if I don't experience any health problems, I will still regularly visit a doctor to assess my current health status.
  • My 30's

    My 30's
    As society dictates, I am officially considered an adult at this point. As seen in sports, I will probably begin to lose the energy for strenuous activities near the end of this decade, so I may visit the gym to get my exercise. As always, eating healthy is still a top priority and I will have hoped to continue to do so, as well as continue to visit the doctor regularly and decide how best to stay healthy.
  • My 40's

    My 40's
    I will definitely be losing energy at this point and will have to look for alternative methods of staying active, such as lifting weights or joining a low intensity soccer group aimed towards older men. I may even have kids at this point, so making sure I stay happy and keep stress levels in check is also very important. As well as keeping on top of my mental health, my internal physical health always needs checking up on and I will continue to keep an eye on how I'm doing.
  • My 50's

    My 50's
    After having lived half of my life, I am definitely getting older. If my parents are any example, I can still be perfectly healthy and active at this age and not experience any chronic illnesses. As a precaution, I would start to schedule either more frequent doctor's visits, or more specialized testing/scanning to look for specific problems that may pop up. To replace the energy that I no longer have in great amounts, it is important to keep up a high protein diet and to stay away from sugars.
  • My 60's

    My 60's
    I am definitely what is considered an old person at this point and it is likely I have started to notice chronic illnesses or physical problems start to pop up. It is very important that I increase and maintain the regularity of doctor visits and eat high fiber and heart healthy foods at this stage in my life. With intense physical activity out of the question, it is important to find out if I can be active in any way, and if I can't, to take care of myself the best way that I can.