Latin America Independence Lima Cristopher 9noD

  • independece the cuba and puerto rico

    independece the cuba and puerto rico
    Between 1810 and 1825, most of the Spanish empire on the American continent became independent. Only Cuba and Puerto Rico continued to be Spanish colonies until 1898.
  • Independence the mexico

    Independence the mexico
    The priest Miguel Hidalgo was placed in front of the Indians and peasants and launched, as we saw, the "cry of independence" in the town of Dolores. Throughout three years, it obtained triumphs with its army and occupied several cities of Mexico, but was defeated in Guadalajara and executed by the realistic authorities in 1811. The command was taken by another priest, José Maria Morelos, who led the second stage of the revolution (1811-1815).
  • Independence the chile

    Independence the chile
    San Martin was not discouraged and decided to continue with his plans, only now he first had to liberate Chile. month later in the Aconcagua Valley and although it suffered a serious defeat in Cancha Rayada (19-03-1818), it triumphed in the decisive battle of Maipú (5-04-1818), assuring the independence of Chile.
  • Independence the Ecuador

    Independence the Ecuador
    The Ecuadorian War of Independence was fought from 1820 to 1822 between several South American armies and Spain over control of the lands of the Royal Audience of Quito, a Spanish colonial administrative jurisdiction from which would eventually emerge the modern Republic of Ecuador.
  • new granada and venezuela

    new granada and venezuela
    Morillo soon resumed control of Venezuela and New Granada. But, in 1817, Bolívar, Piar, Páez, and other Venezuelan leaders reactivated the war. Bolivar faced and defeated Morillo in Calabozo, in 1818. One more year of skirmishes and Morillo and Bolívar sign the War Regularization Treaty (27-11-1820), which ends the "War to Death" period. A few months later, the royalist army was defeated in the battle of Carabobo, the final victory of Venezuela's independence (June 25, 1821).
  • Indepence the Peru

    Indepence the Peru
    Together with O'Higgins, and with 200,000 pesos that he obtained from Buenos Aires, San Martin declared independence (28-07-1821) and was appointed Protector of Peru with full civil and military authority.
  • independence the Argentina Paraguay and Uruguay

    independence the Argentina Paraguay and Uruguay
    The first Junta de Buenos Aires (25-051810)
    Battle of Las Piedras (18-05-1811) paraguay
    independent entity in 1828 independence the uruguay
  • central america

    central america
    Guatemala with its provinces (Chiapas, Soconusco, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Los Altos, and Costa Rica) declared its independence from the Spanish Crown (15-09-1821) and, shortly after, annexed Mexico to defend itself better from Spain.
    Provinces of the Center of America, being its capital city of Guatemala. However, local oligarchies promoted separation. This led to a civil war (1838- 1840), in which Guatemala could not prevail. England invaded Nicaragua
  • Independence the Haiti and santo domingo

    Independence the Haiti and santo domingo
    François Dominique Toussaint-Louverture took charge of a slave revolt on
    the French side of the island of Hispaniola and led it between 1793 and 1802.
    troops and, in 1804, declared the independence of Haiti. It was, thus, the
    second independent country in America, in this case, led by blacks.