Laelah kraner period 1 fetal development

  • Ovulation

    The phase in a woman’s menstrual cycle where her ovary releases an egg.
  • 1st trimester

    1st trimester
    In week one, the egg is being fertilized, and the zygote makes its way to the uterus. During the first trimester, the brain and spinal tube will begin to form. Along with the heart, digestive system, and circulatory system. The baby it’s starting to form limb buds. And the eyes and ears are developing. At this time the baby is about the size of a raspberry.
  • 4 weeks

    4 weeks
    At this point your baby is about the size of a poppy seed, and you should show up as pregnant on an at home pregnancy test in about a week!
  • 5 weeks

    5 weeks
    At 5 weeks, your baby has grown to the size of a sesame seed! At this point you may be feeling more pregnancy symptoms. The spinal cord, and brain are beginning to develop.
  • 6 weeks

    6 weeks
    The baby is 1/4 inches long, and the side of a lentil. Your baby’s heart has started to beat, at around 160 beats per minute! If you receive an early ultrasound you may be able to hear it. But if not, in 10 - 12 weeks your doctor will be able to give you an ultra sound. Dark spots form in the places where your babies eyes and ears will be, and where the limbs will form there are little paddles!
  • 7 weeks

    7 weeks
    The baby is starting to develop more defined features, like its eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. Arms and legs are also starting to grow during this time period. Your baby is now the size of a blueberry! At this point in time, it is important to watch what foods you’re eating. Stay away from cold deli meats, homemade cookie dough, queso, and large coffees.
  • 8 weeks

    8 weeks
    Your baby has grown to about the size of a kidney bean! Being 1/2 inches long. The hands and feet of the baby which were like paddles, are no turning into webbed fingers and toes!