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Korean War: Andrew French and Sean Nation

  • Battle of Osan

    Battle of Osan
    The first battle between the United States and North Korea, resulting in an American defeat. Armed with soviet-provided tanks and superior numbers, the 5000 man strong North Korean force overcame the task force.
  • North Korea Invades South Korea

    North Korea Invades South Korea
    With 135,000 men, North Korea crosses the 38th parallel into the south with the permission of the Soviet Union. At the beginning of the conflict, the north had distinct advantages: hardened combat units that had gained experience fighting in the Chinese revolution and experienced soviet strategists.
  • Battle of Inchon

    Battle of Inchon
    A surprise attack on Inchon from the water lead by General Douglas MacArthur which was a very important and overall highly beneficial victory.
  • Chinese capture Seoul

    Chinese capture Seoul
    General Ridgeway evacuated Seoul and the Chinese swooped in and stole it.