King Arthur

  • chapter 1

    This very old story begins with Uther, a great king. He was a good man and he was king in the south of Britain. Other places were very dangerous at that time,
  • chapter 1/2event

    uther lived his whife igraine they had a son ,his name was arthur
  • chapter 2

    king Arthur went to the north and the east with his knights and fought the Saxons. Arthur make the most important town in the country there was your house the most beautiful woman is in england.
  • chapter 2/2event

    The daughter’s name was Guinevere. Then merlin made a large round table. The knights of the table will be famous.
  • chapter 3

    .The King Arthur went to the country in his horse,he help people the King Arthur look beautiful castle in front of him. Arthur was hungry and thirsty. The Queen was kind to Arthur.
  • chapter 3/2 event

    . The Queen was kind to Arthur. The queen gaves to Arthur`s horse ,food and wáter Then one of Queen Annoure’s men took the King to his bedroom, and Arthur went to sleep. The King went with Merlin through a dark wood. they came to an open place in the mountains.
  • chapter 4

    Arthur came to a lake. Then he saw a small light on the lake and he moved nearer and nearer to it. It was late and King Arthur was tired. Then I will get Excalibur, and go home.
  • chapter 4/2 event

    But when he woke up in the morning, he was not in the ship. The door was shut, so he could not get out.
  • chapter 4/3 event

    When Arthur was ready, he went outside. He saw another knight there, but he did not know him. He could not see the knight’s face behind his helmet. Morgan le Fay went to stay at Camelot, and King Arthur was not there.
  • chapter 5

    When King Arthur was a young man, Merlin, the man of magic helped him in every way. Later, when Merlin was an old man, he came to King Arthur again
  • chapter 5/2 event

    Later, when arthur was an old man, he came to King Arthur again. So Merlin went into the cave first, but Vivien ran out quickly. She shouted the magic words, and the mouth of the cave shut loudly.
  • chapter5/3 event

    Some people say that the great Merlin is there now, inside the cave. One day, they say, somebody will break open the big stone door of the cave. Then Merlin will come out again and help the world with his magic.
  • chapter 6

    It was the month of May. We can look for some lovely spring flowers. So Guinevere left the castle with her knights and her ladies. Some boys from the castle went with them and carried their things.
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    The boy arrived at Camelot and saw Sir Lancelot. Sir Lancelot was the strongest of King Arthur’s knights. When he heard the story,
  • chapter 6/3

    Lance lot quickly put his helmet on his head and took his sword. A girl in Sir Meligrance’s castle carried food to Sir Lancelot every day. She liked him,because he was strong and brave.
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    So when Sir Meligrance took Guinevere to Camelot, the girl opened the door in the floor.
  • chapter 7

    One day the King of Lyonesse went into the woods because he wanted to catch animals.
  • chapter 7/2

    He made a long journey and at the end of the day he could not find the road home. His queen waited in their castle, but he did not come back.
  • chapter7/3

    The King found a way back to his castle, but the Queen was not there. His men went into the woods and looked for her. One day the Queen thought of a plan
  • chapter 7/4

    She made a drink for Tristram and put some poison in it. The King suddenly remembered his second son. There was poison in his drink! Then he understood the Queen’s evil plan.
  • chapter 8

    King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table were in Camelot. One day an old man with
    white hair and in white clothes came to the King and dice
    My King, I am bringing you a young knight. He is the son of a great man and he will do
    great things.’‘
  • chapter8/2 event

    King Arthur made Galahad a knight and they all sat down at the Round Table.
    Suddenly they heard a loud noise. Then there was a great white light.
    They looked up and saw a gold cup above the table.
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  • chapter 9

    One day, King Arthur and Sir Gawain, one of his best knights, went to France. Sir Lancelot was in France at the time, and King Arthur was angry with him. He wanted to fight him there.When Arthur was away, the evil knight Sir Mordred came to Camelot. He wanted to
    take Queen Guinevere away.
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    Then one of Mordreds men came to him and said, King Arthur is coming back to England with his men and a lot of ships.
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    Sir Mordred found more men and they waited for Arthur at a place near a lake. King Arthur knew the place - Excalibur came from the same lake. On the night before the fight, Arthur saw Sir Gawain in his sleep.
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    Sir Bedivere went again to the lake and took the sword from under the stone. He looked again at the beautiful sword and thought, ‘I cannot throw this sword into the water. I want to have it. Then I will always remember King Arthur.’
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    Arthur to Sir Bedivere from the boat.
    Those were the King’s last words. The boat went out across the water. Sir Bedivere stood and cried.And that is the end of the story of King Arthur and his brave Knights of the Round