Thinking light bulb clip art sketch idea

Key events in the History of U.S. Energy

  • Invention of the Electric Motor

    The invention of the electric motor which could power many appliances.
  • Solar Energy

    Alexandre Becquerel discovered that certain materials produced small amounts of electric current when exposed to light.
  • Fuel Cell

    Fuel cell that generates energy in some vehicles and some micro cells can be used in cell phones.
  • U.S. Wind Engine Company

    Daniel Halladay and John Burnham start the U.S. Wind Engine Company and build the Halladay Windmill.
  • Invention of the Lightbulb

    Thomas Edison invented the first incandescent lightbulb.
  • First Geothermal Plant Built

    John D. Grant builds the world's first geothermal plant in California.
  • Hoover Dam Constructed

    The world's largest hydroelectric power plant, the Hoover Dam, is built.
  • Silicon Solar Cell Developed

    Gerald Pearson, Daryl Chapin and Calvin Fuller developed the first silicon solar cell capable of generating a measurable electric current.
  • Solar Energy Research Institute

    US Department of Energy launches the Solar Energy Research Institute,the first federal facility dedicated to harnessing power from the sun.
  • Energy Organizaition Act

    Nixon signed the Energy Organization Act which abolishes the Federal Energy Administration and Energy Research.