Wwii soldiers

Key Battles and Events of WWII

By aqu0004
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    Also known as the September campaign, the German invasion of Poland was inducted as was a joint invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany and other nations that marked the beginning of World War II in Europe.
  • Britain & France declare war on Germany

    Britain & France declare war on Germany
    Britain and France declare war on Germany and are at war with following the invasion of Poland two days previous. the British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, announced the British deadline for the withdrawal of German troops from Poland had expired.
  • Churchill becomes Prime Minister of Britain

    Churchill becomes Prime Minister of Britain
    Neville Chamberlain was a British Prime Minister who resigned after losing a confidence vote in the house of commons and replaced by Winston Churchill who became Prime Minister.
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    Evacuation of Dunkirk

    The Dunkirk evacuation (Operation Dynamo) also known as the Miracle of Dunkirk, was the evacuation of Allied soldiers from the beaches and harbor of Dunkirk, France. The operation was decided upon when a large amount of Belgian, British, and French troops were surrounded by the German army during the Battle of France.
  • Italy enters war on side of Axis powers

    Italy enters war on side of Axis powers
    Italy joined Germany and Japan, the nations that fought in World War II against the Allied Powers in a formation of ‘The Axis’. The Axis agreed on their opposition to the Allies, but did not completely coordinate their activity. The Axis grew out of the political efforts of Germany, Italy, and Japan to secure their own specific expansionist interests in the 1930’s.
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    Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain was an air combat between United Kingdom and Germany which was won by Britain.
  • France signs armistice with Germany

    France signs armistice with Germany
    An armistice (truce) was signed in France by Nazi Germany and the French Third Republic after the Battle of France in which Germany had won and incited the upcoming occupation of France by Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler chose Compiègne Forest as the site to sign the armistice because of its symbolic role as the site of the 1918 Armistice with Germany that indicated the end of World War I with Germany's surrender.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    The Battle of Britain was an air combat between United Kingdom and Germany which was won by Britain.
  • Tripartite Pact Signed

    Tripartite Pact Signed
    The Tripartite Pact was an agreement between Germany, Japan, Italy and Spain. It was a defensive military alliance that was eventually joined by other European countries. The pact was directed primarily at the United States. Its practical use was limited, since the operational theatres of the countries involved were on opposite sides of the world and the higher authorities had different tactical interests.
  • Operation Sea Lion

    Operation Sea Lion
    Operation Sea Lion was Nazi Germany's code name for a conditional invasion of the United Kingdom during the Battle of Britain. Following the Fall of France, the Nazis expected the British to seek a peace agreement, and invasion was considered as a last resort.
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    Seige of Tobruk

    The Siege of Tobruk lasted for 241 days in 1941, after Axis forces advanced against the British Western Desert Force in Libya, during the Western Desert Campaign of the Second World War.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Operation Barbarossa was the code name for the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union. The operation was driven by Hitler's concept of destroying the Soviet Union, as outlined in his 1925 book, Mein Kampf.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise military strike by the Japanese Navy against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor. The attack led to the United States' entry into World War II.
  • Britain and U.S declare war on Japan

    Britain and U.S declare war on Japan
    On December 8, 1941, the United States declared war on Japan in response to that country's surprise attack on Pearl Harbor the prior day. It was formulated an hour after the Infamy Speech of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
  • Japan take Singapore

    Japan take Singapore
    The Japanese occupation of Singapore in World War II took place following the fall of the British colony. Military forces of the Empire of Japan occupied it after defeating the combined British, Indian, Australian, and Malayan barracks in the Battle of Singapore. The occupation was to become a major turning point in the histories of Japan, Britain, and Singapore.
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    Battle of Midway

    The Battle of Midway was a naval battle in the Pacific Theatre of World War II. Only six months after Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor and one month after the Battle of the Coral Sea, the United States Navy defeated an attacking fleet of the Imperial Japanese Navy near Midway Atoll, inflicting permanent damage on the Japanese fleet.