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  • Invasion of Cambonia, 1970's

    Invasion of Cambonia, 1970's
    In April of 1970, President Nixon ordered a secret invasion of Cambodia by american and southern Vietnamese troops. Word of the invasion reaches America and people have massive protests against this. A few students were shot and killed by the National Guard at a protests at Kent State University and Jackson State University. Soon after, Nixon withdraws the troops from Cambodia. The United States chose to continue the bombing of the country, which lasts until 1973.
  • 1970's Part 3

    I would have wantd to be present for a specific thing. I would have wanted to be able to stop it from spreading. This would have stopped the mas proetests, and college students would not have lost their life.
  • 1970's Continued

    This event was important because innocient people were killed and the United States was involved in bombing a place. People were upset and clear angered by this. people were most likely mad that this was done secretly. The nationa guard shot students in massive protests!
    This was done to cut off supply to northern Vietnam. This was to help the war. It would have cut off the supply of certain things to them. It was considered succesful.
  • Assassination4

    I would have wanted to be here to stop this. If our president was going to be injured, it shouldn't have been by some psycho who tried to impress an actor. Perhaps I could have found a way to stop him. Perhaps he could have been convinced to not to it. To sing a song to the actor instead. Anything but trying to ill the president!
  • Munich Olympic Massacre 1970

    Munich Olympic Massacre 1970
    During 1972 Olympics at Munich, on he morning of September fifth, a group of Palestinian terrorists rushed into the Olympic Village apartment of the Israeli athletes, killing two and taking nine others hostage. The terrorists were part of a group called Black September, in return for the release of the hostages, they demanded that Israel release over 230 Arab prisoners from Israeli jails and two German terrorists.
  • Munich, 1970, Part 2

    In a shootout at the Munich airport, the nine Israeli hostages were killed along with five terrorists and one West German policeman. Olympic competition was suspended for 24 hours to hold memorial services for the murdered athletes.
    This event is important because first of all, It was the first time Germany hosted the Olympics since Adolf Hitler was in power. A second important thing about this event is that nine athletes, 1 German officer, and five terrorists were killed on that day.
  • Munich Massacre pt 3

    This is around the time we began realizing the athletes needed more protection. The athletes had even notice themselves the lack of security. This was probably around the time we began to build up our security for the athletes.
    I would have wanted to be there for multiple reasons. The first being I could have helped those innocent people possibly. Or at least have warned them. The second, wouldn't it have been cool to go to the first Olympics in Germany since before the holocaust?
  • Us Boycott of 1980 Olympics. Part 1

    The Olympic Boycott, in 1980, the United States led a boycott of the Summer Olympic Games in Moscow to protest against the late 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. A total of 65 nations refused to participate in the games, whereas 80 countries sent athletes to compete.
  • Boycott 1980

    This event was world changing because 65 countries did not participate in the Olympics! The Olympics is huge. But another thing is that the united states lead this. And because of the Russians. The Russians were invading Afghanistan and the United states was gonna put up with that.
    The effects of this was that due to our boycott, 65 nations also did not go to the Olympics to compete. Eighty countries on the other had, did go to the Olympics that year. This is a big things, the Olympics are rea
  • Boycott 3

    ly important to people. This also left the competition who did go with less competition, meaning horrible teams could possibly do much better than usual.
    I would want to go to this event because it seems a little stupid. Boycotting the Olympics? Over what Russia is doing? Yeah, what they are doing is not the best, but it's the Olympics. And they are showing Russia how aggravated we are, but in more childish way.
  • Assassination 1981

    On March 30, 1981, a shooting happened at the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington D.C., which Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of the United States was the target. While leaving the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C., President Reagan and three others were shot and hurt by John Hinckley Jr.. Hinckley's reason for the attack was to impress actress Jodie Foster, over whom he had developed a crush and obsession after seeing her in the 1976 film Taxi Driver.
  • Assassination 2

    This event is important because our president was nearly killed and others were wounded. All this happened because of some stupid person who wanted to impress an actor. A bad way to impress her too. Not to mention, somebody nearly killed the president!
  • Assassination3

    After this, The most seriously wounded victim, White House Press Secretary James Brady, who was left paralyzed from a gunshot wound, would die later in 2014 of causes a Virginia medical examiner found were related to the 1981 shooting. Hinckley also wounded Secret Service agent Tim McCarthy and Washington D.C. police officer Thomas Delahanty. He was also found non-guilty due to plea of insanity.
  • Mickey vs Mario 1990

    Mickey vs Mario 1990
    In the 1990s, a national survey found that Mario was more recognized than Mickey Mouse. This meant more children in America knew a Japanese Character over Mickey mouse, an american character. While one came from a video game, Mickey mouse is a cartoon. So probably it was how much easier Mario would be to get.
  • MickeyvsMario 2

    This is important because Mickey Mouse is extremely loved and most people know him now. But still, people now probably know Mickey less than Mario now. This is important as well, because it was around the time Nintendo began to grow more popular as well.
  • MickeyvsMario 3

    Due to this, I'm sure the creators of Mickey Mouse probably tried a lot harder to make Mickey mouse more famous. I'm also sure Nintendo was very proud. I would be proud if my game was more popular than the other country's. It is also stupid that america doesn't even know it's own character more.
    I would want to be there because Mickey Mouse is way better than some stupid plumber. I would have literally gone off and showed everyone Mickey mouse before the survey. Mickey Mouse is so much better.
  • SmartPhone2

    This event shaped the world because as I have mentioned, this phone is a big step in technology, which will help lead up the Laptop, or tablet and other electronics. This phone could send things and receive things as well. It also had a touch screen.
  • SmartPhoneDone

    I would have liked to be there because this was our first 'Smart Phone' and who would not want to be there to see it when it was popular. To see the amount of people who were using the odd thing. Not to mention I would like to see what kind of people used it. Wealthy, Middle class or Poor?
  • FirstSmartPhone1

    In 1994, IBM made a phone with a touch screen and e-mail. It could also send and receive faxes, worked as a pager. It was considered the world’s first smart phone due to its abilities. While it isn't what we picture it, it was considered to be big back then.
    This is important because it shows how advanced our technology was starting to get. While it is not a laptop or tablet, it is still rather advanced for 1994. We take advantage of what we have now. Compare what we have to what they had.
  • 9 11

    9 11
    On September 11, 2001, terrorists attacked the Unites States, they hijacked four planes in mid-flight. The terrorists flew two of the planes into two skyscrapers at the World Trade Center in New York City. Nearly 3,000 people were killed in the 9/11 attack.
  • 9 11 2

    This event was important for may reasons. Mostly because the fact that the twin towers were destroyed and so many people died. The pentagon was also hit, and another plane on it's own path was won back by the passengers and crashed into a field in Pennsylvania.
  • 9 11 3

    This event was world changing because we began to trust others a little less. Not to mention, we began strengthening out airport security since we felt less safe now. Less than a month after 9/11, U.S. troops invaded Afghanistan in an attempt to dismantle al-Qaeda which was the terrorist group that claimed responsibility for the attacks.
  • 9 11 last

    I would have wanted to be here because this event was huge. I would have wanted to be able to help with the damage afterwards, or even try and warn people instead. I would have wanted to try to avoid this tragedy from happening.
  • BotW Release

    BotW Release
    A game was released in march by Nintendo by the name of Breath of the Wild. This was a Legend of Zelda fan's dream. It was announced at least four years before, and the creators were still perfecting it that Christmas before. Upon releasing the game, Nintendo fans went wild.
    This event was important because it was the first free roam game for breath of the wild. Not to mention, they had voice actors in this game. Of course the main character did not talk, as that was sacred to the game.
  • BotW2

    This event is world changing because all around the world the game was being released. More and more people began to like the game due to it's features. Many more people joined the fans of the game as well.
    If i could have helped, since i was alive here, I would have given the Rito, Revali, more screen time. He was a good and developed Character. They only gave him a little amount of screentime though. Other than that, the game was amazing I am glad I was here to have it.