julie kelley world war1

  • 191

    Treaty of Brest Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest Litovsk
    After a succsessful revolution by Bolsheriks the Russians signed Armistice with Germany at Brest Litovsk. Russia had to surrender Poland, Ukraine and others. Forced to stop all socialist propaganda directed at Germany and pay 300 Million.
  • Explosion on the battle field

    Explosion on the battle field
    As the war was happening there was a secrete war goign on underground. Tunnels were dug 100ft underground so that the mines they had pord could be set to explode.In Belgum 900,00lbs of explsions were being left off underground.
  • The war begain

    The war begain
    Austria-Hungary went to war against Serbia. This war was not supossed to last long. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand is what started this war. He was to be the next ruler of Austro-Hungarian Empire.
  • Battle of Tannenberg

    Battle of Tannenberg
    Russian army marched into Prussia. It was hard for Russa to get supplies to there soldiers. The Germans used the railways to border the Russian's second army.
  • WWI Eastern front

    WWI Eastern front
    The Eastern front tried to invade East Pershia and German. To land they were stopped by German and Austain forces. This was the battle of Tanninberg.
  • Zepplins

    Germans were using airships more. Zepplins started attacking London. They were used for naval reconnaissance along the western front. They were stopped when airplanes came about.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    Feb. 21 - Nov 1916 Germans mounted an attack on the French at Verdun. The battle went on for nine months and was inconclusive. The Germans lost 430,000 and the french lost 540,000 men in this battle.
  • Day schedules

    Day schedules
    For J.R.S start the day at 5:00 am and eat breakfast. Start classes at 6:20 am to 9:00 pm. Classes are one hour lon with ten minute rest and one hour drill journal. After nine its our time. This is a six day schedule. ( Letters to his wife Jane)
  • The post exchange inventory stopped

    The post exchange inventory stopped
    He got the inventory transford to JRS he found $1000 worht of storage. Soldier was relieved and can't leave. The cornal appointed a voard of officers to investigate secretly. The FBI was informed about this incident. (4/3/42 letter to betty)
  • More about the exchange inventory treaty

    More about the exchange inventory treaty
    JRS tells Betty the papper was wrong on uniform money wass not $175.00 it was $150.00. Laughs about the joy his son has for guns and how proud he is. His son takes good care o fhis gun his dad got him. JRS brags to his son tha the has a new .45 colt.
  • Insurance in the war

    Insurance in the war
    You have $10,000 limit fofr your life insurance. The term insurance has a war class in that it make it usless in the war . It makes life on family very difficult . If you die in the war there is no pay out for your family and love ones.
  • The mail system during the war

    The mail system during the war
    Once the war was going andmen were shipped all over them getting mail was very dificult and even getting mail to family. I just recieved 3 to 4 of your letters Betty. I just recieved letters from months ago.
  • WWI Sparked the Invention of Plaastic Surgery

    WWI Sparked the Invention of Plaastic Surgery
    Shrapnal caused many face ingerries unlike normal wounds. Shrapnal blast has snards of metal that impacts your face leaving deep open wounds. These snards would rip parts of the face off. Surgeon Harold Gillies started the facial reconstruction process.