
Jimmy Carter Accomplishments

  • 1976 Election

    1976 Election
    On November 2, 1976, Jimmy Carter was officially elected as the US President. Carter got 40.1 million votes while Ford got 39.1 million
  • Man of the Year

    Man of the Year
    Jimmy Carter was named "Man of the Year" from Time Magazine
  • Panama Canal Treaty

    Panama Canal Treaty
    In 1977, Jimmy Carter met with the Panamanian Chief of Government Omar Torrijos, and signed the Panama Canal Treaty which gave up American control of the Canal and guarantees its neutrality.
  • National Energy Policy

    National Energy Policy
    Throughout the 1970's there was a big energy crisis which insisted of gas shortages, gas price inflation, and the OPEC oil embargo. In 1978, Jimmy Carter enacted the National Energy Act which placed a tax on gas-guzzling cars, removed price controls on oil and natural gas produced in the United States, and extended tax credits for the development of alternative energy
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    In the summer of 1978, Jimmy Carter invited Egyptian
    president Anwar el-Sadat and Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin to Camp David which is a presidential retreat in Maryland. After 12 days of intense negotiations, the three leaders reached a peace agreement that became known as the Camp David Accords.

    President Carter and Soviet premier Leonid Brezhnev met in June of 1979 in Vienna, Austria, where they signed an agreement known as SALT II. Although the agreement did not reduce armaments, it did provide for limits on the number of strategic weapons and nuclear-missile launchers that each side could produce
  • Olympic Boycott

    Olympic Boycott
    After the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan on December 27, 1979 many nations including the US frowned upon the actions made by the Soviet Union. In return, Jimmy Carter led the US and many other nations to a boycott for the 1980 Olympic games which were held in Moscow. The countries boycotted the games by not participating.