Japanese Wartime Detention

  • Pearl Harbor Attack

    Pearl Harbor Attack
    Japan launch a planned attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
  • Japanese considered securtiy risk

    Japanese considered securtiy risk
    President Franklin Roosevelt imprisoned citizens with Japanese ancestry.
  • Executive Order

    Executive Order
    President Franklin Roosevelt signs executive order to imprison over 127,000 Japanese citizens.
  • Location

    There were 10 camps, 7 of which being in the west. These were in places such as California, Utah, Idaho, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, and Arkansas.
  • Serving the U.S.

    Serving the U.S.
    The Japanese citizens were given the option of freedom for the exchange of serving in the war for the U.S, but only 1,200 people accepted the option.
  • Evacuation

    The Supreme Court held an evacuation based on your national ancestry.
  • Closing Down

    Closing Down
    The last internment camp was closed in 1945.
  • War Ends

    War Ends
    The war ends in March,1946.