Jane Eyre Timeline

  • Jane Leaves for School

    Jane Leaves for School
    After the dispute with her cousin and the encounter in the red room, Jane is accepted to Lowood Institution for orphaned girls
  • Jane Meets Mr. Rochester

    Jane Meets Mr. Rochester
    After leaving Lowood, Jane becomes a governess to a girl named Adele and moves to Thornfield. She then meets Mr. Rochester, who seems very grumpy and prideful, but Jane also is kind of intrigued by him.
  • Fire at Thornfield

    Fire at Thornfield
    After being awakened by strange sounds in the middle of the night, Jane finds Mr. Rochester's bedroom in flames and woke him with water. They do not know right away who set this mysterious fire.
  • The Broken Veil

    The Broken Veil
    After being engaged to marry Edward Rochester, Jane finds her wedding veil ripped. She is suspicious but still doesn't get what is happening.

    The wedding is put to a complete stop when Mr. Mason comes in and claims that Edward cannot marry Jane because his wife is still alive.
  • Runaway Almost Bride

    Runaway Almost Bride
    Jane, distraught and heartbroken from the news of Edward's wife, runs away to the north.
  • Rivers to the Rescue!

    Rivers to the Rescue!
    After begging in the streets for nearly a month, Jane is taken in by St. John Rivers, resident of Moor House
  • Getting Comfy at the Moor House

    Getting Comfy at the Moor House
    Jane quickly get's better at the Moor House, under the fake last name Elliot. She makes friends with St. John's sisters Diana and Mary when they help her in her health recovery. She then begins teaching at a charity school in Morton. Jane gives her true identity when St. John, already suspecting her identity, mentions John Eyre's death and her inheritance of 20,000 pounds. Of course, Jane agreed to share her money with his family.
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    Jane Goes Back for Rochester

    St. John wants to go to India to be a missionary and wants Jane to go with him and be his wife. Jane is almost pressured into doing it until she hears Edward's voice. She then leaves and goes back to Thornfield, only to find it burnt to the ground. Grace set the house on fire, committed suicide, and left Edward with one hand and no eyesight because he saved the servants.
  • Happy Ending After All

    Happy Ending After All
    Jane goes to Ferndean, the abandoned mansion where Edward now lives, to be with him. He is afraid that she will not take him because of his injuries due to the fire, but she marries him anyways. He later regains sight in one eye in time to see his baby boy being born.