ISU Project Timeline

  • Proposal April 10

    Some preliminary designing and ideas will have been formulated as to what the final product should look like and methods of world construction that should be used in the game.
  • Period: to

    Proposal April 10 To Due Date May 25

  • Time Log 1

    Design of base core mechanics finished; should be mostly completed the actual implementing of core mechanics and the concept art should be nearing completion. This day marks the start of work specific to each challenge in the game.
  • Time Log 2/Progress Report/ Conference 1

    Concept art should be completed. The construction most islands should be there as placeholders with placeholders challenges with some that are in or nearing their final form. Models for islands are a part of island construction, not Model design, so most should be completed by this date.
  • Time Log 3

    Some more progress on implementation of puzzles will have been made and there may be some connections between completed islands with added bridges.
  • Time Log 4

    Challenge design/implementation should be mostly complete. Now details will be added such as textures, models, and animations. Placeholders will start being replaced more rapidly now.
  • Progress Report 2

    Sound design, game testing and general polish will be the main priorities at this point, as much will be improved as possible, with some interchanging of various parts.
  • Final Product

    The final product will be similar, if not the same as the overall plan. The presentation will likely be in the form of a video to display later parts of the game as a part of the presentation and then a short start of the game game play demo.