

By 275494
  • phone time line

    phone time line
    the ipone is a smart phone that can help you in many ways
  • phone

    These new devices are Apple’s best yet. Hopefully you’ve spent a few days playing around with its many features, downloaded a few apps, and used the iPhone’s stellar camera to capture holiday
  • office phone

    office phone
    this is your stranded office phone/home phone use in any way you want
  • Flip phone

    Flip phone
    this is a Motorola flip phone not as easy to carry like the new phone butt the don't cost as much and they don't have all the cool fetchers as the new i phones.
  • older pocket phone

    older pocket phone
    this phone is when they just started making pocket phone not vary useful these days
  • old flip phone

    old flip phone
    this is when they first started making flip phones
  • carrying phone

    carrying phone
    this is the first kind of phone you could carry around and talk on out in public.
  • later model deli phone

    later model deli phone
    this is a later model of deli phones they were vary popular back then for the richer kind of people.
  • the earlier deil phones

    the earlier deil phones
    these phones are a house phone that you haft to spin the deli to type the number in and the numbers were shorter then today's numbers.
  • one of the first phones

    one of the first phones
    this phone is one of the first mad and the phone is vary simple to use for the people that don't get stuff vary well