Invention timeline project

By Cupojo
  • Steam engine

    Steam engine
    1) James Watt made the Steam Engine
    2) The steam engine was invtened in 1776 in september
    3) The steam engine was invented in France
    4) picture is provied
    5) The steam engine impacted the american society in many ways, it helped us move goods faster. It helped many Americans get from one place to another very quickly. The invention of the steam engine helped the american society out.
    6) The steam engine is not in use anymore
    7) link provied
  • Railroads

    1) The inventor is John Stevens
    2) The railroads were invtented in the 1790's
    3) The railroades were invented in Stevens esate in Hoboken
    4) Picture is provied
    5) The Railroads were a huge impact on the american society,it helped the americans transfere many goods. It also helped them get to one place to another farther and fater than the steam boat.
    6) link provied
  • Steel Plow

    Steel Plow
    1) The inventer of the steel plow is John Deere
    2) It was Invented on June 26 1797
    3) It was Invented on a farm in Illnois
    4) picture is provided
    5) The Invention helped many farmer being able to help them put their crops into the ground. It was and easy way for farmers to do many at once, insted of individualy.
    6) see link
  • Sewing Machine

    Sewing Machine
    1) The Sewing Machine was invented by Charles Weisenthal
    2) It was invented on Febuary 4 1814
    3) It was invented in Britian in 1755
    4) picture in provided
    5) The sewing Machine had a huge impact on AMerican society because when the women would make clothes it would take them hours to do it. When the sewing machine was invented it helped the demand in clothes because they were being made faster.
    6) Yes, the sewing ,achine is used today, to make many things,such as,clothing,athletic equpment ect
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    1) The inventor of the Erie Canal is Dewitt Clinton
    2) It was invented on July 4th 1817
    3) It was invented in New York City
    4) Picture is provied
    5) This invention was huge for American socety because it was a big water rout for boats to get from New York to the Atlantic to the great lakes
    6) No, the Erie Canal is not in use anymore.
  • Mechanical Reaper

    Mechanical Reaper
    1) The invnetor is Cryus McCormick
    2) It was invented on June 21st 1834
    3) It waas invented in Ohio
    4) see picture
    5) It helped american society help make with crops and gettin the soil nice. it helped grow nice crops.
    6)Yes, Amish farmers still use it but american wise no we dont.
  • Steam Boat

    Steam Boat
    1) The inventor was James Watt
    2) it was invented on Febuary 6th 1840
    3) It was invented in United kingdom
    4) see picture
    5) This was an easy way to get to places faster by bodied of water from one side to the other.
    6) no, we don't use steam boats
  • telegraph

    1) The inventor was Samuel Morse
    2) It was invented on June 10th 1840
    3) It was invented in Washington D.C.
    4) see picture
    5) This was huge for the american society it help us a communicate a little bit faster, and we could talk to eachother from different parts of america
    6) No, we don't we have radios now
  • Morse code

    Morse code
    1) The inventor was Samuel Morse
    2) It was invented on June 20th 1840
    3) It was invented in New York
    4) see picture
    5) It helped Americans get in touch with boates out in the middle of the ocean, and it help the maerican society to
    6) nope, we have new aged technology
  • Vulcanized Rubber

    Vulcanized Rubber
    1) It was invented by Charles Goodyear
    2) It was invented in June 15th 1844
    3) It was Invented in Ohio
    4) see picture
    5) It helped the American society because it helped with making tires.
    6) yes, we still use it