Interwar period

  • The Russian Revolution

    Russia was an autocratic regime very different from
    the western European countries.
    Russia also was an economically and socially backward and unfair country.
  • German Nazism: Adolf Hitler

    Founded the National Socialist Party (NSDAP)
    This violent organisation attacked left-wing parties, trade unions and Jews.
    the Nazis quickly destroyed
    the Weimar Republic
    Hitler’s ideology was based on racism.
    He want a perfect race.
  • Totalitarian Regimes: Fascism and Nazism

    fascism in Italy
    nazism in Germany
    Francoism in Spain
    the state and the government was controlled by
    one single political party
  • Italian Fascism: Benito Mussolini

    This party organised paramilitary groups
    that attacked violently workers and left-wing
    Party was supported by landowners, factory owners, middle classes,
    and the Catholic Church and the King Victor Manuel III.
  • World economy over the interwar period: prosperity and depression

    The USA became the most
    prosperous country and the first economic power.
    Overproduction was a main feature of the US industry in that time.
    The American industries produced more goods
    than what they could sell in the market. Supply exceeded demand.