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Industrial revolution

  • Period: to

    industrial revolution

  • seed drill

    seed drill
    the seed drill was invented by Jethro tull and was made to plant seeds faster and easier.
  • Piano

    The piano was invented by Abraham Darby. The piano was a great musical instrument at the time and still is.
  • Steam engine

    Steam engine
    The steam engine was invented by Thomas Newcomen . The steam engine was very important for this time period.
  • SpinningJenny

    it was invented by Hargrieves. The spinningJenny was built to make clothes faster.
  • Cotten Gin

    Cotten Gin
    The cotten gin was invented by Eli Witney. This device was used to seperate the cotton seed from the actual cotton
  • Electric battery

    Electric battery
    The electric battery was invented by Alessandro Volta. This was the only way to produce a continous current
  • Telegraph

    Samuel Morse invented the telegraph. The telegraoh was used to communicate long distances without being at that place.
  • Dynamite

    Alfred Nobel invented Dynamite. Dynamite had many uses in the 1800s
  • Phonograph

    it was invented by Thomas Edison. it was one of the eariest sound recording devices
  • Model T

    Model T
    Henry Ford invented the model T which sparked the multi billion dollar company