In Between Wars 1919-1939

  • Treaty of Versailles Signed

    This date marked the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, holding Germany responsible for the cause and destruction of the war. this led to many taxes, fines, and military restrictions for the country of Germany.
  • League of Nations is Created

    The League of Nations was an international organization that was put together after the first World War. It was made to create a meeting place where national leaders could resolve and/or discuss international disputes before events escalated into war.
  • First League of Nations Meeting

    The first assembly of the League of Nations. The United States never joined the League, and Germany didn't join until much later. The League of Nations did a fine job of dealing with small affairs, but it was mostly controlled by the more powerful countries.
  • The Washington Conference

    A meeting held in Washington DC by the US to discuss the size of naval battleship fleets. This involved the US, Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, China, Japan, Portugal, and the Netherlands. This resulted in new types of ships, and many ships being scrapped. Larger countries were allowed larger fleets, and vice versa.
  • The Beer Haul Putsch

    Adolf Hitler and WWI hero General Eric Ludendorff led a small group of followers in a harmless attempt for rebellion. Hitler was put in prison for 2 year because of this.
  • The Dawes Plan is Accepted by The German Chamber of Deputies

    The Dawes Plan was made by American banker Charles G Dawes. The plan was made to arrange Germany's payments for reparations after they were held accountable for WWI. A committee was formed including US, Britain, Italy, Belgium and France to discuss how much money would be paid by Germany.
  • Signing of the Locarno Pacts

    7 Agreements signed by Germany, Ital, Belgium, France and britain. These pacts started a time of peace between these countries, and encouraged prosperity.
  • Hitler Appointed as Chancellor of Germany

    As an attempt by Paul von Hindenburg to calm some of the chaos within Germany, he appoints Adolf Hitler as chancellor of Germany, which is the first step towards his dictatorship.
  • Enabling Act Passed in Germany

    The Enabling Act is passed by the German Reichstag. This gave Hitler full power to pass decrees that had the power of laws.
  • Bombing of Guernica

    Spanish Nationalists bombed Guernica, a town in Spain. There were hundreds of deaths, and civilians were even gunned down and massacre in the streets as they fled. There were 1500 deaths and 800 others wounded.
  • Popular Front Government Starts in France

    The leftist party known as the Popular Front came to power in France, allowing public government participation and instituted social legislation. The Popular Front did some things to help, but failed to revive Frances dying economy during the time.
  • Spanish Civil War Begins

    There were many people who were angered by the Spanish Monarchy being overthrown and changed to a republic. This made Spanish Nationalists lead troops in a march of rebellion, starting the Spanish Civil War.
  • Signing of the Munich Pact

    France and Britain satisfy Hitler's demands and sign the Munich Pact. This pact gave Hitler control over the Czech Sudetenland.
  • End of the Spanish Civil War

    The city f Madrid is taken by Francisco's Franco's military forces. This marked the end of the Spanish Civil War, and the beginning of Franco's dictatorship.
  • France and Britain Declare War on Germany

    As Hitler began to expand his army and continue his aggressions on Eastern Europe, Britain and France decided to declare war on Germany to try and stop Hitler from achieving his goal of world dominance.