Important life events

By dweaa
  • My first day of school!

    When I was 2, I went to school! I don't remember anything about what I learnt, but it was the start of a very long (in my mind) journey called education!
  • The first time I played piano

  • The first time I went rock climbing

    It was a school field trip for a health and fitness topic. Someone told me I was a natural, and although I didn't act on that until Year 6, it changed my life!
  • When I got my dog, Charcoal!

    When I got my dog, Charcoal!
  • The day I went to see Pentatonix

    The day I went to see Pentatonix
    It was also the day I discovered Pentatonix, which CHANGED MY LIFE
  • The day I finished Year 6

    I clearly remember the day I finished my primary education. On that day I remember thinking back to the day I finished kindergarten and my dad saying, "Wait until your primary graduation day, it will be even more amazing than this!"
    Actually, it wasn't. but I enjoyed it much more!