Important Events of 1933-1941

  • Jerrycans

    Originally called "Wehrmachet- Einheistskanister" was developed in Germany during the 1930's for military use. Jerrycans were used for one of the most important resources being fuel. Designers spent countless hours making sure they were perfect, in fact the only way to get the cap off is with a wrench. Different colors depend on what contents are inside. The reason I picked "Jerrycans" because I never really knew the way soldiers got fuel and other contents through the battlefield.
  • C-Rations

    Most soldiers dreamed of having to eat an A ration or a B rations, but that wasn't the case. When in the battlefield soldiers had to eat the most awful ration of them all and that in fact was the "C-Ration." This ration was full of mostly individual canned, pre-cooked food. C ration stands for a combat ration,and that's exactly what it was. I decided to choose this because no one really talked about what the hardworking soldiers had to eat in a hurry.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    This was a conference held on september 28-29 in 1928. This was an agreement between France, Italy, Germany, and Britain.The agreement was after Germany invaded the sudenten land in Czecholoslovakia. British and Frenchs prme ministrs truedf to get Hitler to agree not to use his miliatry in the future, in exchange for the land he had taken. Hitler soon agreed. I decided to pick this because Hitler had taken over almost everything then decided to actually sit down and have an agreement.
  • Robert M. Lousey

    Robert M. Lousey
    Capt. Lousey was born on May 5,1908 in Andrew Jackson, IA. On April 20,1940 He was known to be the first casualty of WWII. He was killed by a bomb splinter while observing the Trondhem battle area on a Sunday Dombas, Norway. The body was taken in a small car to the village of Fjellnas, then taken by train to Stockholm. The funeral car avoided all main roads due to the Germans heavenly bombing them. I choose to do Lousey because I never really knew who the first death of the WWII was.
  • The Ni'ihau Incident

    The Ni'ihau Incident
    On December 7, 22 yr old Shigenori Nishikaichi was flying escort for Japanese bombers that just attacked Pearl Harbor.He knew something was seriously wrong w/plane. He crash landed on the island Ni'ihau where the soldiers were waiting for a submarine to pick them up .The Hawaiians treated him good.Soon one tried grabbing his gun, & Nishikaichi had shot him 3 times but was killed w/a hunting knife. I decided to choose this bc I never really understood where Japanese bombers went after the attack.
  • Football (1941-1945)

    Football (1941-1945)
    Football paid a good part in WW2, a games were encouraged throughout armed forces. Matches and games provided a form of entertainment for other troops stationed in the area. Football also helped support recruitment.
  • Civilian Work (1941-1945)

    Civilian Work (1941-1945)
    US workers played a big role on the production of such war related materials. Warships, rifles, airplanes, tanks, etc. was needed for the war which was built in factories. With most men heading to war woman began taking the jobs of welders and electricians in defense plants. During the war the # of men being able to work went down and the number woman went up, stepping into what used to be only work for the men. By mid-1941 the number of woman in the American work force went from 25% to 36%.
  • Baseball (1941-1945)

    Baseball (1941-1945)
    In January 1942 Kennesaw Mountain Landis (the commissionaire of the MLB) wrote a letter to FDR which asked if professional baseball should shut down for the duration of the war. Later being known as the green light FDR responded that they should continue operations. In fact that it was a good way to keep the civilians minds off the war.
  • Food (1941-1945)

    Food (1941-1945)
    On ths date te Emergency Price Contol Act was granted by the OPA. This act set price limits and ration food in order to discorage hoarding. You soon had to buy food based on red and blue points in the ration books, I which 91% of US Americans registered for one. Then came Spring 1942 when Americans were not allowed to purchase sugar w/o govement issed coupons. Then in March and November of 1943 meat, cheese, fats, and other canned food were added to the list of rationed previsions.
  • Fat Man (1941-1945)

    Fat Man (1941-1945)
    The U.S droppe ths massive bomb on Nagasaki. Ths bob weighed in at 10,800 lbs an was 10 feet 8 inches long. This was the second of two nuclear bombs used in World War 2. The bomb was designed in the Los Alamos Laboratory. Finally, the bomb is filled with Plutonium, Uranium, Beyllium, and may other chemicals.