important events from 1941-1945

  • Survival of the attack on Pearl Harbor

    Survival of the attack on Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese attacked the U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. 2400 Americans were killed. 21 ships were destroyed. I remeber the day so clear they attcked the pearl harbor i was on a ship when it hit the ship next to me thousands were killed, im just thankful i made itr through.
  • Period: to

    Rosovelts order

  • They froze the accounts.

    They froze the accounts.
    Treasury Department seizes all Japanese banks and business, and freezes all the immagrants accounts who were born in Japan This was a permanent freezing on the accounts of all who had left the US .
    We couldnt even get our accounts open. Im japanese and i came here from japan, the government in this country is cruel and is denying me the rights that many other non-immagrants have the right to do . which is have a bank account free to open.
  • The order is signed !

    The order is signed !
    President Roosevelt signed Executive order No. 9102 creating the war relocation authority to assist person evacuated by the military under executive order No. 9066 Milton Eisenhower was named director
    He signed it. im enthustaitc and excited about the whole idea, I milton S. Eisenhower get to named director, thank you president Roosevelt it means alot.
  • Detention and Concentration

    Detention and Concentration
    Japanese and Japanes americans moved from Los angeles to the Manzanar temporary detention center for two to seven mponths until they were trasfered to a permanent concentration camp. We had to. we had no choise.iI joe a police officer kept trnfering and tranfering each japanese from center to center. i felt despicable, but i had to obey orders.
  • Ive got a Plan !

    Ive got a Plan !
    Secretary of war henrey stimson announced plans to form an all japanese American combat team to be made up of volunteers from both the mainland and hawaii. When i heard the news that Secreatary Stimson was making a plan and came up with the brilliant idea to make a team of all Japanese combats, i was excited becuase since i was a kid in japan i wanted to fight in war. Him doing this can fuffil my dreams in the long run.
  • Curfew

    The supreme court rules that a curfew may be imposed against one group of Americans citizens based solely on ancestry and provides criminal penalties for violation of orders of the military commander. i dont think its fair that the supreme court would impose such a law on the citizens. Curfew? thats obsurd, and discrimination against that certian group of people which i happen to be in.
  • We dis it !

    We dis it !
    in early morning americans recieved that all there hard work at war had finally paid off in a triuphant win. We did it ! i as a proud american of the united staes is proud to say we won. we had a victourous win that will be remebered for many generations to come.
  • Law passed !

    Law passed !
    In exparte Endo,the U.S supreme court rules that the WRA has no authority to detain a "concedenly loyal" american citizen.
  • Free !

    Free !
    Japanese american Regiment frees prisoners at Dachau Concentration camps, which was one of the first concentration camps open in Germany Were finally free, i couldnt be more happy. Being locked up in the concentration camp for a long period of time was very stressful, and heartbreaking. but being able to walk as a free man on land again is priceless.
  • VJ-Day !

    VJ-Day !
    VJ-day or victory in Japan day.It was the day that japan announced they had surrendered unconditionally to the Allies, effectivley ending World War II The war is finaaly over ! A solider has finally finished his fight and fought the war hard. Its over